They hate cuz they broke fam
Pays for peoples coffee when they're in line but uses broke as an insult
Everytime i go to 7/11 to cop some zigzags i always try to make an effort to give the homeless guy that opens the door some quarters. But i always forget to bring the quarters and the cycle continues.
Okay how about you buy me some stuff?
ya pretty sure the OP wasnt advocating for people to give out random money / gifts to everyone they meet.
ya pretty sure the OP wasnt advocating for people to give out random money / gifts to everyone they meet.
might as well be if you're paying for people that are already in line to buy something
depressed niggas love tearing other people down
what do u expect being positive on a site with so many lonely and sad people
i was once a young 14 year old yute who was going to a downtown summer camp program, commuting downtown and had $10 for lunch. one of those deaf people who give cards around asking for money came up to me and i gave him my lunch money.
@whoever it was who was too afraid to quote me, and then deleted your post:
Must be why the super rich are so wealthy, they’re all notorious for doing great stuff with money
Wait was he being serious?
OP plotting on a new bitcoin scam
Make someone’s day?
Maybe she barely had enough to grab a coffee before she got paid the next day
If she barely had enough money for a coffee she shouldn’t have ordered a coffee
Not a difficult concept
Also I don’t be giving homeless people money, way too many fake homeless people that pull that scam
I will gladly buy a homeless person food or give them my food though
Also I don’t be giving homeless people money, way too many fake homeless people that pull that scam
I will gladly buy a homeless person food or give them my food though
There’s a lot of scammers but I usually can eye out the genuine person in need of money
There’s a lot of scammers but I usually can eye out the genuine person in need of money
I just rather not deal with that tbh
Homeless and charity sure but why would I buy a drink for a paying customer at a drive thru
The real question is why wouldn’t you?
Homeless and charity sure but why would I buy a drink for a paying customer at a drive thru
Maybe because a homeless man can be a “paying customer” tomorrow. And a paying customer could be homeless tomorrow...
Give the homeless guy a dollar once in a while. Buy someone before you their drink at the drive thru. Donate to a charity. For some reason after doing something good with money it seems to return to you 100x. Obviously if u can’t u can’t but what was that dollar going to get invested in? A swisher? Nah b u just gave a homeless man a McDouble.
If you're only doing good things so that good things will happen to you, are you even really a good person?