Like almost everything he’s done since Yeezus screams the opposite.
Like almost everything he’s done since Yeezus screams the opposite.
it’s possible to be confident and insecure at the same time
he’s confident in his talent as a curator and producer but insecure abt things in his personal life like his wife, height, weight, relevance, drake, etc
Drake tbh,
Between the tootsie slide video, lncl, and way 2 sexy
He’s at a point where he can be himself no matter how dorky it is
drake cant even write his own lyrics, he needs a full team just to even think about making music, that aint confidence, comfort zone artist at the highest level
because he got there always being checked lmfao. Nigga was in a label meeting and had executives tell him to his face he would never make it. Don't act like he was silver spooned
remember hearing stories about the guys at roc a fella telling him to just make beats nobody wanted to hear ye rap
I don’t see what any of that has to do with confidence tbh (besides some of the stuff u said being blatantly false )
But I see I upset some of y’all by mentioning drake lol
Nobody is upset fam, you're just wrong
I don't think he is as insecure as people ITT are trying to paint him cause airing out your insecurities and showcasing your vulnerable side which Drake has built his career on takes confidence which a lot of niggas wouldn't have
Celebrities being self conscious of their public image is understandable, they are essentially walking brands and PR is very important in todays social media era more than ever
This dude made a song called I am a god
U can’t tell me he ain’t the most confident mf ever
This man has crippling insecurity, that's his fuel. That's much different than confidence
This man has crippling insecurity, that's his fuel. That's much different than confidence
Drake one of the most insecure rappers ever & that’s off his own lyrics
Yall gotta stop this d*** eatin... The insecurity is in his music.
Yall gotta stop this d*** eatin... The insecurity is in his music.
once you stop d***riding a childrens show, “iCarly”
I don’t see what any of that has to do with confidence tbh (besides some of the stuff u said being blatantly false )
But I see I upset some of y’all by mentioning drake lol
OFC you dont youre a stan lol
And nothing i said was false. Sorry
and many similar behaviors tbh. Dont see how you can see this s*** and say hes the most confident rapper cause he makes meme videos
“Uhh meek i didnt write half of this, is it still cool i gift you this platinum record?”
“Uhh meek i didnt write half of this, is it still cool i gift you this platinum record?”
lying about s*** you wrote aint insecurity for a rapper?