the most JRPG ass theme ever
Hol up this actually some heat lmfaooo
nah y'all might've put me on im just skimming through these songs and they're amazing some nice ass wii sports vibes going on
Someone gotta sample this s*** or something lol
!, this brought back wild memories
This site is golden man
Real. I tried making a little playlist a couple weeks ago
Keep dropping songs
Link if it’s AM my guy
Finally an oldhead
Grandpa still got some left in him
I’ve got a few of these saved on YouTube and found a playlist on Spotify of weather channel type jams. It’s truly the best.
I'm gonna need a link to that, my boy.
litteral vaporwave
i remember changing the channel to weatherscan and just leaving it there in the background for just for the music. this was one of my jams
op look up trammell starks he did most of the music for the weather channel in the 90s and had put out a 3 disc album of weather channel music. most if not all of it should be on youtube
Fire. Good lookin out, player.
I’ve got a few of these saved on YouTube and found a playlist on Spotify of weather channel type jams. It’s truly the best.
you got this on Apple Music?
you got this on Apple Music?
I don’t, but all I searched was local on the 8’s and a bunch of playlists popped up
Its one of the inspos for vaporwave
Along with mall & infomercial music
Yeah there's like a whole subgenre for just Weather Channel vaporwave
Check out 天気予報 Weather Forecast and Cat System Corp.