Just gonna accelerate that elbow exploding
a couple cy youngs and rings before then im straight
Pray to God Judge’s glass Big toe doesn’t shatter
Pray to God the Mets ace isn't injured before the season starts... nvm.
Every year y'all break the record for how fast this video gets used, congrats!
Every year y'all break the record for how fast this video gets used, congrats!
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okXhAC78d4Q&pp=ygUWbWV0cyBzZWFzb24gZmFtaWx5IGd1eQ%3D%3D This would’ve been funny if Mets fans actually had high expectations this year.
Love to see it.
This reminded how biracial Judge is no wonder yall are pressed to make him the next “Captain”
This would’ve been funny if Mets fans actually had high expectations this year.
Cohen's y'all owner now. Should've been expected
Cohen's y'all owner now. Should've been expected
New billionaires >>>> “Daddy’s old money”. Unfortunately for him these niggas are cursed
This is gonna be another miserable year and I can’t wait
If you have to be miserable anywhere in the world San Diego Is a nice place to be.
If you have to be miserable anywhere in the world San Diego Is a nice place to be.
I’ll be miserable watching from Pittsburgh sadly
Before today I had seen 0 balls (testicles) of a Major League Baseball player.
After today I will have seen 6 (at least)
This can’t go on.
If you have to be miserable anywhere in the world San Diego Is a nice place to be.
lol you're sick for this post
This is gonna be another miserable year and I can’t wait
cheers bro hope it’s not too miserable 🍻
Before today I had seen 0 balls (testicles) of a Major League Baseball player.
After today I will have seen 6 (at least)
This can’t go on.
Just saw a set pop up on my TL