State your hot takes brehs
Opinions that you personally held close at heart but at odds against the majority of video game enthusiasts in KTT2
If destiny 2 had better dev teams backing the game, it would be the best game of all time.
Sonic 3 is the only good Sonic game
Crash Bandicoot is an inherently flawed series with uninteresting base gameplay
Super Mario Galaxy is a chore to play and the weakest 3D Mario
Imma state mine:
Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time is probably one of the most influential games of the 6th Generation. It's up there with Resident Evil 4, Halo, and Ico. And you can definitely see it's influence on gaming to this day
Spiderman PS4, Miles Morales, and Spiderman 2 are overrated. The web slinging is tight but the controls feel janky at times, especially with the inputs. Story ain't that good either. Batman Arkham remains the superior superhero gaming franchise and the Spiderman games feel like reskins of it
Spiderman PS4, Miles Morales, and Spiderman 2 are overrated. The web slinging is tight but the controls feel janky at times, especially with the inputs. Story ain't that good either. Batman Arkham remains the superior superhero gaming franchise and the Spiderman games feel like reskins of it
spiderman games are mega stinky
now once they drop the venom game maybe it will be cool but i doubt
Fallout 1 is the most overrated game in the series and the worst of the mainline entries. Yes, I think Fallout 4 is a better gaming experience than Fallout 1. And I do think Fallout 2 is an amazing entry, only New Vegas is better than it. I am on a replay of the series right now and I thought I would have warmed up to the game, particularly with some mods and fixes now. I think it's a good game but holy s*** - it's really so shallow compared to what came after. The settlements are very basic and feel like templates. Worse yet are the NPCs, they were one of my biggest issue with it and still are. They are all one-dimensional, bar like 2-3 maybe? They exist entirely to serve a purpose for a quest, they're not actual people. Fallout 2 changed that immensely and is thematically far richer than Fallout 1's oh such great plot. Yeah, the plot is cool. That's about it. And the worldbuilding is really rather interesting but it does not populate it with anything that feels like it does not serve to fit the plot or the gameplay. Meanwhile, every single settlement and NPC in Fallout 2 fits into a grander picture.
Also, the gameplay of the old Fallout games just isn't it. The combat is legit annoying af. I don't mind cRPG combat. Fallout 1 and 2 are just trash at it. It's all about building your character and making sure the RNG stats are maxxed. Otherwise, it's very basic and annoying.
Fallout 1 is also rather black and white. Fallout 2, again, changed that drastically.
To top it off, Fallout 3 and 4 legitimately have better writing than Fallout 1 at times! Fallout 1 has supremely better quest design, and Fallout 4's companions have legitimate depth. Who tf wants the cardboard-ass companions of Fallout 1? You can't even control them in these games, although I was playing with a mod that thankfully made that possible. It was such a breath of fresh air lol. FO1&2 artificially enhanced the difficulty by forcing you to trust the garbage companion AI at not shooting you in the back on accident.
I don't understand why most people consider AC2 the best in the series, Brotherhood was an improvement in every way. Pretty much the same game but better combat, you can call assassins to fight with you, those tomb side quests, optional objectives in missions and multiplayer. If someone thinks AC2 is the best, I don't get why they wouldn't consider Brotherhood better
RDR2's gameplay is terrible and it's a pretty big flaw preventing it from being a 10/10. God of War a more flawless game and deserved to win that GOTY. Don't know how Rockstar f***ed it up that badly. If Rockstar took the exact combat/looting/movement mechanics from RDR1 and put it in RDR2, it would be a better game than what we actually got
Only thing better in 2 is the combat
I hear ya. I loved 2 growing up and through out the years I've seen a bunch of people that thought 2 was a let down. Mostly due to the mind f*** of the story
I don't understand why most people consider AC2 the best in the series, Brotherhood was an improvement in every way. Pretty much the same game but better combat, you can call assassins to fight with you, those tomb side quests, optional objectives in missions and multiplayer. If someone thinks AC2 is the best, I don't get why they wouldn't consider Brotherhood better
RDR2's gameplay is terrible and it's a pretty big flaw preventing it from being a 10/10. God of War a more flawless game and deserved to win that GOTY. Don't know how Rockstar f***ed it up that badly. If Rockstar took the exact combat/looting/movement mechanics from RDR1 and put it in RDR2, it would be a better game than what we actually got
Florence + Venice > Rome
Florence + Venice > Rome
Low-key whenever an AC game takes place in one singular city it doesn't hit the same for me. I like the variety I guess. 🤷♂️
Halo Reach is better than 1. ODST campaign is better than Reach. 3 is better than 2 in keeping everything well-rounded from campaign to multiplayer.
So 3>2>Reach>1=Infinite>4>5 with everything compared
the God of War reboot is the most overrated game in the last 15 or so years
Damn they ain't gonna like you for saying that but you have somewhat of a point, 2018 lacked the spectacle and boss variety that the franchise was known which kind of felt a little dry at certain points
Damn they ain't gonna like you for saying that but you have somewhat of a point, 2018 lacked the spectacle and boss variety that the franchise was known which kind of felt a little dry at certain points
Really did not get what the hype is all about, apart from it being a mature™ game with marvel-like characters and cutscenes. Combat felt slow and floaty, on top of having light rpg progression & itemization. Combine that with some of the worst UI/UX design put to code. The roster of bosses is basically a band of jobbers, in comparison with 2 and 3, where each boss fight is some iconic Greek hero or god.
Granted I didn't play through it fully so my opinion might be invalid or w/e. Also not a huge fan of norse mythology, which feels like it got overused the last few years, which also felt like the safest choice in this occasion.
The Jak & Daxter trilogy were some of the best games on the PS2.
Speaking of PS2, Sony has always had diverse array of games dating back to this era. It's only now that they are becoming a tad bit homogenous with their titles.
Really did not get what the hype is all about, apart from it being a mature™ game with marvel-like characters and cutscenes. Combat felt slow and floaty, on top of having light rpg progression & itemization. Combine that with some of the worst UI/UX design put to code. The roster of bosses is basically a band of jobbers, in comparison with 2 and 3, where each boss fight is some iconic Greek hero or god.
Granted I didn't play through it fully so my opinion might be invalid or w/e. Also not a huge fan of norse mythology, which feels like it got overused the last few years, which also felt like the safest choice in this occasion.
A lot of Sony games, at the time, were on that Marvel esque storytelling schtick which I didn't gel with at times.
And Norse Mythology got to be one of the most overused mythos seen. Would have been hella cool if they did Egyptian Mythology or Aztec Mythology instead