Drake said he was no.1 not 3 so as a drake stan I have to say that this is AOTY and Cole is king
She had to do her own marketing for Driver's License because her label didn't want her to put it out and they only put it out once she proved it was a hit. This was way too recent for yall to forget
Where u getting this from
Drake said he was no.1 not 3 so as a drake stan I have to say that this is AOTY and Cole is king
Old town Road being #1 for 20 years
should've cemented that (charts = good) don't matter
good point
fw these style of videos. reminds me of Young Simba era
How the hell there still isn’t a video for My Life when he toured with 21 and Morray?
Pipe Down freestyle is the most viewed video out of all of em… just sayin
O Rod went double plat in half the time and had a #1
White girl pop stimulus.
why would a j cole album not go platinum y u celebrating like this unique or unexpected lmao
Cole's best album
His best project of his career
95 South still hardest intro track of the year
Put your clique up
Represent your s***, motherfucker
why would a j cole album not go platinum y u celebrating like this unique or unexpected lmao
It “came and went” according to KTT. If this is coming and going then what does that say about the other albums KTT call rap AOTY?
It “came and went” according to KTT. If this is coming and going then what does that say about the other albums KTT call rap AOTY?
that theyre impactful/noteworthy in ways that arent necessarily reflected by commercial success. is that a tough concept to grasp?