Literally forgot this dropped since I only listened to it the weekend it dropped and couldn't believe how bad it was.
its time to have a conversation on how he dropped a better album than Kanye and Drake in the same year
I thought this was a thread bump coming in to the thread. I seen the platty on twitter earlier. S***s even better
Cole Winter
Imagine not being a KenDrake Cole fan
Drake d***riders so divisive and trashy. Worse than Trump supporters tbh
its time to have a conversation on how he dropped a better album than Kanye and Drake in the same year
the convo ktt fears the most
its time to have a conversation on how he dropped a better album than Kanye and Drake in the same year
its time to have a conversation on how he dropped a better album than Kanye and Drake in the same year
Imma keep it real witchu b. Lotta niggas dropped better albums than Kanye and Drake this year.
Imma keep it real witchu b. Lotta niggas dropped better albums than Kanye and Drake this year.
Pipe Down freestyle is the most viewed video out of all of em… just sayin
Amari is 18M
she has PHYSICAL copies and is a POP star
atleast try to hide your envy with a logical comparison
Cole had physicals too but no one wanted to buy them
Congrats, now I need the fall off album that he promises me and everyone on the internet.
Cole had physicals too but no one wanted to buy them
It’s the best selling physical rap album of the year dummy.
One of the best rap albums this year
Cole haters really listen to some irrelevant ass s***
its time to have a conversation on how he dropped a better album than Kanye and Drake in the same year
Oh oh.