  • Sep 3, 2021

    Putting Kendrick at the top without dropping is such a Kendrick stan thing to do

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply

    OP named himself Westside Bum how fitting for someone who has J.Cole in a top 3

    I dont like j Cole at all. Its the universal top 3. You wouldn't get it my nigga you got to go outside to understand.

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Top 3


  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply
    The Pause Police

    I dont like j Cole at all. Its the universal top 3. You wouldn't get it my nigga you got to go outside to understand.

    J.Cole ain't on anyone top 3 besides J.Cole stans top 3

  • Sep 3, 2021

    Cole hasn't legitimately been in a "top 3" since like 2016

  • Sep 3, 2021

    yea my point is that if its not 2021 then Kendrick isnt smoking on anything but d***

    guy is a professional musician and yet he works less than everyone else does, i dont care about behind the scenes, a musician's job is literally to record music and perform that music after it enters the market all while crosspromoting it with whatever business partner(s) they have and Kendrick isnt doing that as much as Kanye, Drake or Travis are

    Bro 4 years of not dropping a solo album isn’t that long but I get that niggas have the attention span of a f***ing squirrel nowadays so it must feel like an eternity to you niggas

  • Sep 3, 2021

    u think 3k a snack?
    "hey boo"??

    "yo Pierre YOU WANNA "COME" OUT HERE." out where!?! Out ya booty and onto ya back pleighboi!?!? What does the extra "G" stand for in "BIGGWAVE"

  • Sep 3, 2021
    2 replies

    kendrick’s margin of error is slim cuz he drops once every 5 years

  • Sep 3, 2021
    The Pause Police

    In my opinion its not even close.

    J Cole dropped a more exciting album than drake somehow. Which is fine. But as of right now this is what the top 3 looks like.

    ngga who da hell listnin 2 a trsh can n kdot aint droppd yet

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply

    If Kendrick was on some d’angelo s*** and dropped 1 album a decade I could agree about the whole inactivity point but he dropped 7 solo projects and the black panther soundtrack so what more do y’all want from the nigga

  • Sep 3, 2021
    2 replies

    Top 3


    Future f***ing sucks can we stop with that. Bro is a southern legend like Gucci and 3k but nobody finna put him in the top 3 cus his music fast food as hell.

  • Sep 3, 2021

    Cole ain’t top 3 tbh. Baby over him

  • Sep 3, 2021
    Hi Roller

    kendrick’s margin of error is slim cuz he drops once every 5 years

    He’s dropped 7 solo projects over the last decade why are you lying lmao

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply

    J.Cole ain't on anyone top 3 besides J.Cole stans top 3

    social media put jcole on top 3 cause of the generation he came up with lol. Drake Jcole and Drake are the top 3 from the 2010 era.

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply

    If Kendrick was on some d’angelo s*** and dropped 1 album a decade I could agree about the whole inactivity point but he dropped 7 solo projects and the black panther soundtrack so what more do y’all want from the nigga

    he f***ing just dropped an amazing verse last week

  • Sep 3, 2021
    Hi Roller

    kendrick’s margin of error is slim cuz he drops once every 5 years

    Forget a margin of error. Kendrick drops perfection not once but consistently. He's the closest thing to a kanye discog.

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply
    The Pause Police

    Future f***ing sucks can we stop with that. Bro is a southern legend like Gucci and 3k but nobody finna put him in the top 3 cus his music fast food as hell.

    I can’t agree with future has dropped some of the most standout projects post 2014 and is a major influence on how we now view the modern Atlanta rap scene

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply

    I can’t agree with future has dropped some of the most standout projects post 2014 and is a major influence on how we now view the modern Atlanta rap scene

    You might be right actually.

  • Sep 3, 2021

    Travis (not a fan but you gotta admit)

    Kanye is a legend no need to put him in stuff like this

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply

    social media put jcole on top 3 cause of the generation he came up with lol. Drake Jcole and Drake are the top 3 from the 2010 era.

    Saying J.Cole is top 3 of the 2010 era when Ye had MBDTF, Yeezus and TLOP as consensus great albums and Cole had what ? Born Sinner and even with this album a lot of people feel like it's a reach J.Cole never was and never will be top 3 if it was up to me he wouldn't even snif at the very least a top 10

  • Sep 3, 2021

    Yup, Kanye is back on top

  • Sep 3, 2021

    he f***ing just dropped an amazing verse last week

    Niggas just have the attention spans of squirrels now the game is oversaturated now for better or worse

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Saying J.Cole is top 3 of the 2010 era when Ye had MBDTF, Yeezus and TLOP as consensus great albums and Cole had what ? Born Sinner and even with this album a lot of people feel like it's a reach J.Cole never was and never will be top 3 if it was up to me he wouldn't even snif at the very least a top 10

    Again it's a generation thing first. Drake, Cole, and Kenny all blew up in the same group. Ye is basically dragonball from 80/90s vs Bleach, One Piece, and Naruto 99-2010 as a comparison.

  • Sep 3, 2021
    1 reply
    The Pause Police

    You might be right actually.

    The only negative of futures run is he’s dropped like a million projects over the last couple of years and even though I love a majority of them I know that’s not the same for everyone else

  • Sep 3, 2021

    Again it's a generation thing first. Drake, Cole, and Kenny all blew up in the same group. Ye is basically dragonball from 80/90s vs Bleach, One Piece, and Naruto 99-2010 as a comparison.

    From that angle I see what you're saying !