  • Gangy ā¤ļø
    Feb 24
  • Vietbrah šŸ˜ˆ
    Feb 24
    1 reply

  • Feb 24

    Flows together well for those of us who play the album on repeat

  • Didn't clock this despite Greedy being my most played song wtf

  • Feb 24
    4 replies

    Not as even remotely cool as the last seconds on the last song on HUT being the first seconds on the intro to Trilogy

  • Feb 24
    2 replies
    Poolboy Q

    Not as even remotely cool as the last seconds on the last song on HUT being the first seconds on the intro to Trilogy

    Not everything is a f***ing comparison

  • Feb 24
    3 replies

    Not everything is a f***ing comparison

    Well thereā€™s a šŸ¤Æ in the title and I think a career long wrap around is way cooler than a album that circles back to the intro

    So if you really want your mind blown then reread my post

  • Niggamortis šŸ’²
    Feb 24
    1 reply
    Poolboy Q

    Well thereā€™s a šŸ¤Æ in the title and I think a career long wrap around is way cooler than a album that circles back to the intro

    So if you really want your mind blown then reread my post

    Why would someone elseā€™s ā€œcareer long wrap aroundā€ be relevant to a specific artistā€™s recent release in that specific artist section lmao.

  • Feb 24
    1 reply

    Why would someone elseā€™s ā€œcareer long wrap aroundā€ be relevant to a specific artistā€™s recent release in that specific artist section lmao.

    Because itā€™s the same thing but done on a larger scale and done a month prior

  • Niggamortis šŸ’²
    Feb 24
    2 replies
    Poolboy Q

    Because itā€™s the same thing but done on a larger scale and done a month prior

    Then appreciate it in that personā€™s album thread and not bring it up as an unwarranted comparison in another one..?

    Hello lol

  • CN Tower intro sounds like Undertakers entrance at Wrestlemania 20

  • Feb 24
    1 reply

    Then appreciate it in that personā€™s album thread and not bring it up as an unwarranted comparison in another one..?

    Hello lol

    Sorry Iā€™ll leave you guys in your own little safe space where no one compares anyone to Drake because Drake is God

  • Niggamortis šŸ’²
    Feb 24
    Poolboy Q

    Sorry Iā€™ll leave you guys in your own little safe space where no one compares anyone to Drake because Drake is God

    You came in here being weirdly negative but if that helps you lol.

  • Feb 24
    1 reply

    Also this thread is in music section. But I know you guys never come out of Drake section so

  • keev šŸ’²
    Feb 24
    1 reply
    Poolboy Q

    Also this thread is in music section. But I know you guys never come out of Drake section so

    Why would we, we don't care what u pussio mandem think #rentfree

  • Idk how accurate this or the HUT transition are lol. Just seems like a simple fade out and fade in of ambient sounds.

    Something like Welcome to the Show into Donuts is what i think of a album that loops back into itself

  • Feb 24
    1 reply

    Why would we, we don't care what u pussio mandem think #rentfree


  • keev šŸ’²
    Feb 24
    1 reply
    Poolboy Q


    We thought u were on that broski

    My bad my bad my bad

  • Music is cool man

  • Feb 24
    2 replies

    Not to be a debby downer but I dont think this is correct

    The outro of Greedy is an improvisational piece done by ambient artist Elijah Fox, if they were to have used it in CN Tower I'd assume he'd share producers credits on that as well

    I think its just a case of them being stylistically similar

  • Feb 24
    Blue Genes

    Not to be a debby downer but I dont think this is correct

    The outro of Greedy is an improvisational piece done by ambient artist Elijah Fox, if they were to have used it in CN Tower I'd assume he'd share producers credits on that as well

    I think its just a case of them being stylistically similar

    Yeah. Just played Greedy and CN Tower afterwards and there was no transition or anything.

  • Poolboy Q

    Not as even remotely cool as the last seconds on the last song on HUT being the first seconds on the intro to Trilogy

    Soooo, this is the REAL highlight of this thread.

  • Feb 24
    1 reply
    Poolboy Q

    Not as even remotely cool as the last seconds on the last song on HUT being the first seconds on the intro to Trilogy

    Too bad HUT sucks

  • no not really