Getting amazing reviews. Please someone tell me we are getting all 8 episodes at once
HBO almost never does the drop every episode at once thing like Netflix.
how so
Episode one comes out one week then the show isn’t weekly for another two weeks or some shif
how so
Thursday and then like 10 days later on Sundays going forward. Why is it coming on Thursday?
Thursday and then like 10 days later on Sundays going forward. Why is it coming on Thursday?
I think they're trying to prevent altering Industry's scheduling too much. S3 is benefiting heavily off the 9pm slot. I assume they're releasing ep 1 early to heavily promote it, letting Industry have it's penultimate episode without competition, and then doing a double feature/transition on the 29th
Penguin initially was a Max show then moved to HBO so maybe finding the clean time frame was a challenge.
Episode one comes out one week then the show isn’t weekly for another two weeks or some shif
aw i see
Agreed, "Sugar" was a really good series that he starred in.
Glad I’m not the only one who watched that. Great show and so overlooked
Episode one comes out one week then the show isn’t weekly for another two weeks or some shif
Episode one comes out one week then the show isn’t weekly for another two weeks or some shif
Was hoping Batman would have a brief appearance in this just cause I miss it. Still hyped. Hope this teases the main bad guy for the Batman 2. I need some info.
Was hoping Batman would have a brief appearance in this just cause I miss it. Still hyped. Hope this teases the main bad guy for the Batman 2. I need some info.
F*** Cameos man
F*** Cameos man
Not even a cameo it’s in the Batman universe and a Batman villain. It connects the films lol
Does it premiere on hbo?
It’s that time again
We are about to be given 7-8ish more hours in this universe