Bro was a s***head
Funny how they foreshadowed it a little bit
("He's set to take over the Falcone mob despite his struggles with alcohol"... 15 minutes later it was his undoing)
A b*** or so every 4-5 episodes is tasteful ratio imo what we thinking
I’d say anytime it fits . Like when he went to see the escort.It was a perfect time to see bare ass or a nip slip as she opened the door
Funny how they foreshadowed it a little bit
("He's set to take over the Falcone mob despite his struggles with alcohol"... 15 minutes later it was his undoing)
He was too obnoxious for me not to ask "This man is about to die, isn't he?" And sure enough
My guy was taking drops, drowning in whiskey. No way he was making it past episode 1
But I bet the Penguin murders that lil boy in the final episode
already my most anticipated ep 2 this year. how they gonna keep up the perfect dialog / action pace
already my most anticipated ep 2 this year. how they gonna keep up the perfect dialog / action pace
Well I hear that things get better from episode 2, so if you loved the premiere, then you'll be creaming your pants all season
Didn’t think I’d like it much but yeah I’m hooked
Sofia is scary as f***
In the beginning I was already drained listening to Alberto and was not looking forward to him the rest of the season lmao so unlikable…but then they got rid of him 5 min into the show
She legit looks crazy with them big ass eyes
A lot of people wait til a series or at least a season is fully out so they can get a free trial and watch it lol
Def some stuff I can criticize about this though, not a ton but:
Not fully bought into Sofia's character yet, it's vaguely interesting but the crazy eyes, just got out of arkham thing isn't enough for me to be all the way in. I need a little more to it. or Oswald's mother, I didn't like that dialogue she had with him in the kitchen. I get what they were going for but it wasn't all that...
That being said I am liking the main character already, it's interesting. I wonder how much they'll go back and forth with that line of evil and then sympathy because he stated in that first episode that his idol was that local gangster that helped the people out in the neighborhood and they threw him a parade. He wants to be liked by people and known as a good guy who just happens to be in that line of work that he's in.
I wonder if they'll try to keep us on the fence or if its just going to be him wanting that admiration but either not getting validated by it or it being out of reach nearly every time.
Unobtainable goal, especially due to his appearance and status, and the changes that occurred from the old world and the modern crime world
not bad