Aside from the fact that if we complement each side of the equation, we cannot let behind certain aspects that can make it more plausible in the long term. I’m not saying that we all should step up and be radical about it, but to a certain extent I believe is important to realize that, even if it is uncomfortable, it might be the only solution given the current state of (just to give an example) Bolivia.
Just look at what just happened in Australia and try to prove me wrong.
Ok now what the f*** are you trying to say
I see what you are saying OP but the solution has already been successfully tried in Brazil under Plano Real by using a virtual currency as a transition to stabilize the markets and restore people's trust in the value of their national currency.
I see what you are saying OP but the solution has already been successfully tried in Brazil under Plano Real by using a virtual currency as a transition to stabilize the markets and restore people's trust in the value of their national currency.
Bumping this now because i feel that this topic is more relevant than ever with the quarantine situation.
It’s like no matter what we do, society will find a way to push it to the point where even if some people would say otherwise, it still remains intrinsically valuable when it comes to things like music and, specially, electricity.
Like cmon, there most be something, right?