You are a very, very special individual if you think Tyler is even close to Drake, Cole and Kendrick
What annoys me about these twitter accounts is they just post vague s*** like "is he falling off 👀?". KTT doesn't have critical a***ysis or anything but at least the people on here are fuelled by hate so it doesn't feel so tepid
Being a fan of music outside of hip hop (especially indie music) must be brain breaking to some of the people here tbh.
tyler is not a better rapper than cole
Joint thing for me, that’s why I said rapping and music making. I really don’t think Cole is rapping circles around Tyler like that plus Tyler has that flavor to his sound that puts him above Cole for me
can we stop talking about tyler creator in the same angle as the goats. plz stop its annoying.
But I’ll bite!
Tyler is most certainly on the level of being a great among his generation. In terms of rapping and music making, he’s definitely above Cole and most certainly alongside Drake and Ye. Not gonna say he’s better bc he’s not, but he’s there. Tyler will just never get the respect he deserves on this website because of his past music and his current fanbase. But when you let the music speak…it’s there.
because of his past music
can we stop talking about tyler creator in the same angle as the goats. plz stop its annoying.
we're not talking about the goats we're talking about cole
Being a fan of music outside of hip hop (especially indie music) must be brain breaking to some of the people here tbh.
Cole is not that guy like idk what yall see in him
Everything about him is just average thats it
But I’ll bite!
Tyler is most certainly on the level of being a great among his generation. In terms of rapping and music making, he’s definitely above Cole and most certainly alongside Drake and Ye. Not gonna say he’s better bc he’s not, but he’s there. Tyler will just never get the respect he deserves on this website because of his past music and his current fanbase. But when you let the music speak…it’s there.
Tyler rapping does not come close to cole lol even musically not really above him.
And ofc we gonna judge him on past music, that's still his discography
y’all can’t really believe Tyler a better rapper than drake cole and dot if you wanna pull the arts and crafts card out cool but he not rapping better than any of them
cole raps circles around tyler
it’s not fair though cause cole’s a real rapper who respects the techniques and talent
*he’s not better
*he clearly is
What a great discussion
Arguing opinions is the dumbest s*** in the world
I personally enjoy Tyler better than Cole, but I can understand anyone who puts Cole over him.
Regarding Drake and Kendrick, Tyler can't even sit in the same room let alone the same table.