This album was first brought to our attention from his Rolling Stone interview back in 2015
When Kiss Land stalled, the Weeknd fell into a creative rut. "I just kept getting more and more depressed," he says. He considered relocating from Toronto to Seattle in search of a "super-drugged-out Nirvana vibe." Instead, after writing and scrapping an album's worth of material, he started spending more time in Los Angeles and listening to his label. Republic got him a choice placement on the 50 Shades of Grey soundtrack with "Earned It" and set up a duet with Ariana Grande on her club-ready single "Love Me Harder," produced by synth-pop wizard Max Martin. "At first I was kind of iffy about it," the Weeknd says of the collaboration, which would have been unthinkable in the old days. "Five years ago? Definitely not. I was the young starving artist that wanted to do it all by myself."
"I've scrapped so many records!" - Esquire Interview (2020)
"During the NYC Kiss Land Show in 2013 he said he was gonna record his next album in New York and Seattle so plans were in place as soon as Kiss Land dropped" - @houseofsilence
"It's really so fascinating learning more about The Weeknd post Kissland. You can tell that was an album he really gave his all on creatively and when it didn't land how he hoped it crushed him. I'm sure we've probably heard most of the songs that would've been on that d***ged out album through the plethora of unreleased tracks and demos that have been leaking out since 2015/2016. Many of them are good, but knowing that they really came from a dark, depressed, and likely creatively defeated point in his life is sad. The songs were good, but you get the idea that it really isn't something that he would've wanted to do long term. Beauty Behind the Madness and Starboy might not be his best albums, but it's cool to see that regardless of them he was able to get out of that rut and make the music he wanted to make and be happy about it. It makes it all even better now that Kissland has become praised and recognized for the great body of work it always has been now." - @localblaccmane
Figured it was worth bringing it back into discussion because of the recent resurgence of KL. You think there's any possibility we will ever hear a glimpse of what that album would've sounded like?
be god
a lot of ideas made it to beauty behind the madness and there’s snippets of 2014 songs floating around
Only song from that era that made it to Kiss Land is the title track
top 5 of all time for me
Only song from that era that made it to Kiss Land is the title track
! 5 of all time for me
kiss land is from 2013 my guy
a lot of ideas made it to beauty behind the madness and there’s snippets of 2014 songs floating around
you talkin bout the baddest b**** around snippet or?
As has been said above, I imagine a lot of the good ones were stripped and melodies taken and reshuffled to fit later projects. Abel seems to have previous for that.
I think one of the leak snippets that just came out the other day had lyrics that made it onto A Lonely Night from Starboy.
May leaks was supposed to be the d***ged out 2014 album no?
Only song from that era that made it to Kiss Land is the title track
! 5 of all time for me
This is still his best song.
you talkin bout the baddest b**** around snippet or?
baddest b**** a round
witches and panthers
two or three others who’s names escape me
I thought this was trilogy era?
I have no clue about that one but I think these girls was 2014
@op imnpretty sure These Girls was from this era
that's what I was thinking too..
but I wasn't 100% sure
sounds like it would fit that vibe
that's what I was thinking too..
but I wasn't 100% sure
sounds like it would fit that vibe
It definitely fits the description plus I think someone said this was the 2014 Doc version whereas the other leak was the OG KL era one
I don't think we'll ever hear anything like that. But imagine a whole albums worth of tracks in the style of those snippets. Would be crazy.
As has been said above, I imagine a lot of the good ones were stripped and melodies taken and reshuffled to fit later projects. Abel seems to have previous for that.
I think one of the leak snippets that just came out the other day had lyrics that made it onto A Lonely Night from Starboy.
the article said it was an album's worth of material.
As has been said above, I imagine a lot of the good ones were stripped and melodies taken and reshuffled to fit later projects. Abel seems to have previous for that.
I think one of the leak snippets that just came out the other day had lyrics that made it onto A Lonely Night from Starboy.
Kinda proved that with Acquainted/GBIT90s/Heavenly Creatures
TYF with I’m Gone
Plus those earned it, real life, and dark times snippets daheala played on snap