Alright so according to the liner notes D was inspired by hip hop sampling and wanted to incorporate it into live instrumentation.
Of course, sampling only took place through vinyl back in the day so if you were to slow down any old funk record, you would get a certain laid back, behind the beat sound.
So when I played Voodoo today, instead of slowing it down, I sped it up.
When you speed up the songs on Voodoo, they sound as a funk song would normally sound. Think James Brown.
So when D, Questlove, Roy Hargove, etc recorded Vodoo, they played live as if they were slowed down on a record player.
If you guys own the record I really encourage you to see what I mean, its so f***ing sick. Ive been wondering how no other album really comes close to Voodoo in sound, and I think this recording technique is how.
When you slow down a funk track, the grooves become more accenuated and nuanced.
Yeah a lot of them songs were created cus they was playing covers of other artist songs until it naturally grew into something original