  • Apr 13, 2020

    Article is such a reach lmao, at least she got the attention tho

  • Apr 13, 2020

    Tf does medical equipment have to do with the general public?

    i forgot theres little kids on this jawn

  • Apr 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Brother please stop

    Nah f*** that he doesn’t care about those people

  • Apr 13, 2020
    CLB Rosetta Stone

    Who y’all talking about lol

    Quoting each other again?

    Ayo mind ur business nigga

  • Apr 13, 2020

    Nah f*** that he doesn’t care about those people

  • Apr 13, 2020
    4 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    Tone deaf is the perfect word to describe. Can you imagine struggling to pay rent cause you got laid off and the first thing that pop up on your phone is a Drake video where he's dancing around giving a tour of his mansion?

    Like nigga read the room.

    Choke No Joke was saying the same about Meek with this post.

    I like Toosie Slide and will listen to it regardless but artists should be mindful that a lot of their fanbase and supporters lost their jobs or lost loved ones and flashing money and materialistic things now is tone deaf in a global crisis where materialism has no value to most.

    Not mad at Drake for what he did or didnt do though.

  • First Take

    Is Rosetta Stone just a Malibu alt?

    No and quote me next time

  • Ooo

    Tf does medical equipment have to do with the general public?

    WHAT..? Lol

  • Apr 13, 2020
    1 reply
    CLB Rosetta Stone

    Defending a complete lie against an artist is sad?

    What you saying my guy?

    Posting the woman who wrote the article in the thread to make fun of her appearance and then spamming her on Twitter for simply criticizing Drake is some very sad behavior my guy.

  • Apr 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Scott Raiden

    Choke No Joke was saying the same about Meek with this post.

    I like Toosie Slide and will listen to it regardless but artists should be mindful that a lot of their fanbase and supporters lost their jobs or lost loved ones and flashing money and materialistic things now is tone deaf in a global crisis where materialism has no value to most.

    Not mad at Drake for what he did or didnt do though.

    See this is tasteless. Drake dancing on IG live is whatever lol

  • Smacked Voodoo

    Posting the woman who wrote the article in the thread to make fun of her appearance and then spamming her on Twitter for simply criticizing Drake is some very sad behavior my guy.

    She’s writing a completely false article and that kind of behavior should be eradicated immediately

  • Apr 13, 2020

    RosettaStone hive assemble

  • Apr 13, 2020
    First Take

    Feel bad for her. Papis Angels bout to dox her asap

    Honestly tho, they already doing work on twitter s*** crazy

  • Apr 13, 2020
    1 reply


  • Apr 13, 2020
    1 reply

    i didnt know drake was mayor of toronto

  • CLB Realfam2007


  • Apr 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Man let Seth rorgan and Ryan Reynolds do more than him foh

  • PapiAngel

    This the hoe clowning drake huh

  • Russlio

    Rosetta Stone so weird

  • Apr 13, 2020

    i love when people critize other people but cant show what theyve done for the city

  • Apr 13, 2020
    Scott Raiden

    Choke No Joke was saying the same about Meek with this post.

    I like Toosie Slide and will listen to it regardless but artists should be mindful that a lot of their fanbase and supporters lost their jobs or lost loved ones and flashing money and materialistic things now is tone deaf in a global crisis where materialism has no value to most.

    Not mad at Drake for what he did or didnt do though.

    What kinda f***ing blunt is this?

  • Scott Raiden

    Choke No Joke was saying the same about Meek with this post.

    I like Toosie Slide and will listen to it regardless but artists should be mindful that a lot of their fanbase and supporters lost their jobs or lost loved ones and flashing money and materialistic things now is tone deaf in a global crisis where materialism has no value to most.

    Not mad at Drake for what he did or didnt do though.

    Exactly, like I'm not demanding these artists to go out and do s*** to help. Like it'd be nice, but it isn't their responsibility to do so. That's on the people's governments.

    But in this current situation, flexing on IG and TikTok while many don't even know if they're gonna be working any time soon should be looked at as quite tasteless.

  • Apr 13, 2020

    that dude getting the big boot

    ur avi scares me and id like u to change it

  • Apr 13, 2020
    math fifty

    i didnt know drake was mayor of toronto

    According to the Toronto Star he should be

  • Apr 13, 2020
    3 replies

    See this is tasteless. Drake dancing on IG live is whatever lol

    Yeah Im not mad at Drake for going on live having a good time. I'm in my woke bag when I say this but laughter and having fun raises our energy which I feel will help us.

    But some artists like Meek are just being a******s about still flashing when most of his supporters are struggling.

    Choke made a good point in that Meek would be begging the world to get him out of jail if he was still in there right now. But I haven't seen him at all advocate for those still in prison being exposed to coronavirus.
