Honestly how they were built was great engineering feat but there’s an interesting archeological site called Gobleki Tepe in Turkey. It dates around 6000 years ago. They put up t-shaped monoliths high up in the air as they were an ancient temple. Go look it up 👀
Ohhh yeah I’ve heard of that.
I really to figure out how things like this were done I believe it has something to do with vibrations and i think it might have to do with the resonant vibration of the object being moved but I believe it would have to be in the area of the grid line point
Video blocked in my country the United States of America
Ohhh yeah I’ve heard of that.
I really to figure out how things like this were done I believe it has something to do with vibrations and i think it might have to do with the resonant vibration of the object being moved but I believe it would have to be in the area of the grid line point
I thought this was common knowledge? it’s great you stumbled upon this revelation but I’d be more interested in what the f*** you are doing about it to take control of your life from these external forces, have u thought about that? In b4 someone says buy crypto
This post straight out of the year 2012
I thot the world was ending in 2012💀 u my og
I thought this was common knowledge? it’s great you stumbled upon this revelation but I’d be more interested in what the f*** you are doing about it to take control of your life from these external forces, have u thought about that? In b4 someone says buy crypto
dont let that s*** control any of my actions
follow my dreams, and try to help ppl and spread awarness...
reminds me of
Oh s*** thanks
This is the longest webpage I’ve ever seen
i dont claim to be anything...
And did u expect me to write a book? This just a sketch of a painting
i dont claim to be anything...
And did u expect me to write a book? This just a sketch of a painting
They don’t do anything imo, we do it to ourselves with what we allow to consume
We live in a world we’re everyones trying to market products or ideas to profit from
Some of those products or ideas are borderline harmful to society while some aren’t, what you allow into your life in large quantities can have a good or negative effect on your development as a human being
We need to stop blaming the elites, influencers or billionaires for the worlds problems, their wealth and power comes from the consumers or their followers
We need to start taking accountability for the very society we’ve helped create
Easy to say
Alot harder to do when everywhere u turn ur being manipulated. Can either play ball or go to jail, basically.