I’d probably stop smoking all together if it smelled like weed 24/7 like it presumably still does in NY
My mom went there last year w my sister for some nursing s*** and she said every outside place with people reeked of weed kek
You really convinced your mom piss smells like weed growing up
Irish fam
Why am i not in warriors fam
we're losing recipes smh
ralph in it before you is crazy
just smelled like garbage when i was there lol
either garbage or piss in that overrated city
most of my title decisions will be based on what I think you'll be annoyed by
annoyed is a big reach
just unnecessary inconvenience which benefits no-one but up to you
as an OP of a stickied thread, just thought i'd share some wisdom
Why am i not in warriors fam
I just copied and pasted from the regular season thread man
Basketball is stupid
Lets stand in solidarity together tuesday. Nobody plays and we revolt together