Yeah there’s really no escape to capitalism and we all play the game
I feel like there are certain artists who lean into it and have it as their highest priority and there are others who prioritize their vision above it
Ofc we live in a world caught between 2 magnetic poles and it reflects in our phycological, moral, social etc development. Right and wrong, left and right wing, ying and yang, duality of people blah blah etc so you're defo right! People tend to find peace in the extremities as it gives a home to the conflict of ideological fluidity this world exposes us to
I do believe Wayne was also a visionary but Birdman rinsed that poor man to the brink :( since 1999 Wayne has released 51 projects, defo capitalist intent
Ah yes giving out free music for the joy of the art is capitalism. Billionaires are evil btw
You are beyond help
Fair point
Its not a clean a***ogy but its just another way to think about it
I wasnt trying to refute your point if it seemed like it, because I agree with the sentiment, it just made me reflect on the strange courses some artists’ careers took.
@op good post
and that is why i’ve always had an aversion to drake on a personal level, i could never become a massive fan the way others could
Wayne was the capitalist when most of the music was free and Ye went onto become a billionaire. Strange timeline
Ye is the biggest capitalist of them all
Ye is the biggest capitalist of them all
Exactly but it didnt feel that way back then. It’s ironic