  • Jun 2, 2022

    The weekend can be the modern Micheal Jackson if he learns how to dance

    “Learned to dance” lol MJ was a top tier dancer since the age of 5. It’d take lifetimes for anyone to get close.

  • Jun 2, 2022

  • Jun 2, 2022

    Are these Celebs just doubling down on the Crypto/NFT s*** because it’s already a sunk cost and they are trying to recoup was much as possible or are these Crypto backers just offering up crazy money to get these big names to back them during their fall?

    To me, I feel like most these celebs actually don’t give a s*** about NFTs / crypto

    It’s just the people behind NFTS / crypto are throwing CRAZY money at them to promote it that it would be stupid to say no to free money

  • Jun 2, 2022

    Nfts for tickets stubs and stuff of that nature is actually how it's supposed to done

  • Abel needs a new team and better deal because his career choices have been dumb. I don't believe he's making these dumb decisions himself