One of the best Joker cosplays Ive ever seen
Thank goodness it's not loser joker
Abel can’t even fake not getting p****
This a wig? Where’s his facial hair?
Wow amazing
So now not just the weeknd but also we are clowns for thinking we're getting music
No Bella this year
Stop living vicariously through an artist.
Lookin like robald mcdonald out here
F***ing GOAT
this is the best artist halloween costume ive ever seen
need that album. imejiatly
Send in the cloooowns
he really looks like jack nicholson
What is that?
You think Abel would get hoes without fame?
weeknd be like "im da jokah baybee"
goofie ass 🤡🤡
They still together lol
Deadass thought this was a whole ass whiteman fr fr, damn
This dumb hard
wow that's actually uncanny
nigga thats Jack Nicholson
We need more of this.