Save your hit piece for another day 🎶🎶
“As previously reported in TheWrap, Bron was sued by Hudson LP for $14.3 million. The lawsuit, filed in October 2021, alleged that the company has failed to meet its obligations in the case of four Bron titles: “Bombshell,” “Capone,” “The Survivor” and Greyhound.””
So is joker 2 coming then?
Already filmed and currently in post-production
And no, they won’t scrap the sequel to an Oscar winning Billion Dollar movie
Movie thread
legend i know it probably wasn’t Abel’s doing but let me get these jokes off please
lol they saw The Idol getting clowned online and saw a perfect opportunity to evade taxes
Film studios are all losing money due to these strikes, and Streaming content will not generate as much revenue for them as a movie that premieres in theaters, that you can sell viewers again and again
it’s also possibly a way for them to screw a bunch of crew members who created these shows and movies out of owed money with this s*** as well
this is all a finesse fr
Them Starboys about to be on your ass
can’t imagine being afraid of anyone who call themselves a ‘starboy’ lmfao
legend i know it probably wasn’t Abel’s doing but let me get these jokes off please
We are Abelists
They backed a few great movies for other studios but if you look at what they actually put out as a studio themselves, it’s a long long list of mostly garbage
We are Abelists