Vote in the poll. Is this better than Ye’s Heartless?
I don’t understand why everyone is clowning me over this
Abel’s Heartless rivals Ye’s easily
I don’t understand why everyone is clowning me over this
Abel’s Heartless rivals Ye’s easily
two extremely polar opposite tracks that have nothing in common besides the name lmao
two extremely polar opposite tracks that have nothing in common besides the name lmao
But that’s the point! The name!!!
But that’s the point! The name!!!
i voted Abel anyway
One of the last great songs before this lame covid s***
S***s nuts I remember sitting in my uni's student center between classes when this dropped if only i knew
Happy 2 years!
2 years
People really hated on this song when it came out? That’s crazy
Song instant hit for me when I heard it
People really hated on this song when it came out? That’s crazy
a common theme in this section is a song being hated at first then people eventually come around lmao
photo is hard as hell, this era was so goat
to me, this is such a legendary song
just came back home from NYC the day before this came out and went clubbing w some of my best friends. Then the song dropped in the night and i was drunk as s*** during the first listen. Had to catch a flight to london the next day and i had the worst hangover ever but this song made it feel like i was in a movie lmfao