Lets face it, thats why most of his albums been lacking, hes on that weak mindset crying over white girls in most of his songs, hes no pimp like PartyNextDoor
adam sandler made him look weak
he cucked adam
adam sandler made him look weak
Thats what i'm saying bro, dudes needs to stop impersonatin Bruno Mars wake up back to Trilogy s***
If being a beta male gets me Bella Hadid and a Mclaren P1 then why would I want to be an alpha
Thats what i'm saying bro, dudes needs to stop impersonatin Bruno Mars wake up back to Trilogy s***
please weeknd do the same s*** you did 9 years ago make that s*** darker pleease pleeeease
what’s wrong with white girls
Don't make me say it but we all know what's wrong with WHITE girls