  • Mar 30, 2020

    Wow Bieber and Drake in shambles

  • Mar 30, 2020
    9 replies
    CLB Realfam2007

    how many weeks has Weeknd's #1s spent at #1 compared to Drake's

    God's Plan - 11 weeks #1
    In My Feelings - 10 weeks
    One Dance - 10 weeks
    Work - 9 weeks
    Nice for What - 8 weeks
    What's My Name - 1 week

    The Hills - 6 weeks
    CFMF - 3 weeks
    Starboy - 1 week
    Heartless - 1 week
    Blinding Lights - 1 week

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    It’s getting weird

    this thread more popping than the thread where BL went #1

    Drake stimulus rly knows no bounds

  • Mar 30, 2020

    God's Plan - 11 weeks #1
    In My Feelings - 10 weeks
    One Dance - 10 weeks
    Work - 9 weeks
    Nice for What - 8 weeks
    What's My Name - 1 week

    The Hills - 6 weeks
    CFMF - 3 weeks
    Starboy - 1 week
    Heartless - 1 week
    Blinding Lights - 1 week

    Lol. You should have just left it at God's Plan.

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    A Weeknd thread more active in the section about The Weeknd who would've thought

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    A Weeknd thread more active in the section about The Weeknd who would've thought

    its in music too lol

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply
    CLB Realfam2007

    its in music too lol


  • loveu

    A rap #2 in 2010~ is f***ing crazy tho. With streaming back then it would’ve been number 1 for weeks.

    best i ever had isn't a rap song

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply
    tomorrow volverse

    u can't really say that. one dance is only one example. there's plenty of songs (not #1 songs) but songs where the opposite is true. My Love by Majid Jordan wouldn't be s*** commercially w/o the drake feat and i love them.

    So Drake goes number 1 with Rihanna, who gets the #1 accredited to them? Nobody?

  • CLB Realfam2007

    this thread more popping than the thread where BL went #1

    Drake stimulus rly knows no bounds

    I mean it was given Blinding Lights was gonna hit #1 what'd you expect


    Imagine if he dropped a video for One Dance.

    or controlla

  • Mar 30, 2020
    2 replies

    It’s even more crazy that he has more #1s than Celine

  • Mar 30, 2020
    2 replies


    so this not in music too?

  • Mar 30, 2020

    It’s even more crazy that he has more #1s than Celine

    In such a short span of time

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Drakes first solo was gods plan. Thats insane that it took that long especially since best I ever had peaked at #2

    One dance was his first solo #1

  • Mar 30, 2020
    bobby j

    The Drake defense squad has arrived

  • Mar 30, 2020

    Congrats to that man he deserves it

  • Mar 30, 2020

    It’s even more crazy that he has more #1s than Celine


    I’m French and Celine Dion literally has the biggest French-speaking album. And that’s only the case because The Weeknd hasn’t dropped one. Crazy.

  • Mar 30, 2020
    CLB Realfam2007

    so this not in music too?

    what are you talking about dude

    this thread is popping because its in The Weeknd section???

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    One dance was his first solo #1

    No it's not. You got a Drake avy you should know this you goon

  • Mar 30, 2020
    CLB Realfam2007

    so this not in music too?

    This thread is in both. The other is only in music sxn.

    This is also are thread that offers more discussion than dethroning 1 artist.

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    So Drake goes number 1 with Rihanna, who gets the #1 accredited to them? Nobody?

    i mean at that point it doesn't matter to argue, they're both huge artists. depends who has the better verse/ has an attention grabbing part.

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    God's Plan - 11 weeks #1
    In My Feelings - 10 weeks
    One Dance - 10 weeks
    Work - 9 weeks
    Nice for What - 8 weeks
    What's My Name - 1 week

    The Hills - 6 weeks
    CFMF - 3 weeks
    Starboy - 1 week
    Heartless - 1 week
    Blinding Lights - 1 week

    Wow guys I guess that means Drake really wins after all huh

    Another Papi’s Angels Adventure successful!

  • Mar 30, 2020

    God's Plan - 11 weeks #1
    In My Feelings - 10 weeks
    One Dance - 10 weeks
    Work - 9 weeks
    Nice for What - 8 weeks
    What's My Name - 1 week

    The Hills - 6 weeks
    CFMF - 3 weeks
    Starboy - 1 week
    Heartless - 1 week
    Blinding Lights - 1 week

    and this is why context matters
