i like the vocal inflections on the lead ups to the hook but the verses are pretty weak for me. song is just ok, think it just feels this way cause his latest album material was THAT strong.
Yeah I get that tbh.
I'm gonna cook up a post in a bit in the chat thread that I think you're gonna love.
Yall niggas tripping
yeah idk what they talkin about
double fantasy is good
yeah idk what they talkin about
double fantasy is good
I overplayed the f*** out it the first 24 hours lol, but since then each time it comes on it just gets better and better somehow
yeah cause DF lowkey ass. i ain't gon lie fam
I didnt like it either, extremely meh, this new snippet tho
You know it’s a classic when Abel hits the “yeewwwwww”
Vocals remind me of As You Are
Youre right I was thinking it reminded me of something great from BBTM
Weeknd and siren beats >>>
Instant f***ing nut
Track is f***ing heat holy
Can’t wait for the soundtrack , so far f*** with all the s*** we heard
Listening to double fantasy after like two weeks. and the song is pretty good. future's part is really good too.
When do we think this soundtrack is dropping? June 2?
I think that sounds about right. Def think we’ll get a song by then
New soundtrack snippet lets goo