No you
Lost in the Fire/Nothing is Lost
No relation whatsoever I guess, bit a funny coincidence 🤣
Y’all think this will be as good as Devil May Cry?
! don't think it's possible for it to be as good ngl
Workin on something without turning him into a full character. So far so good
holy s***
Workin on something without turning him into a full character. So far so good
if you would've told me this was like an official photo I would've believed you
Final versions
post this and tag him
you ever plan on making a twitter to post your art on btw
post this and tag him
you ever plan on making a twitter to post your art on btw
I don’t usually tag him on posts since the post automatically gets shared to his DMs and I have open DMs but I’ll do on this one
And I feel like I get more exposure on IG than twitter, have to start from 0 over there
I don’t usually tag him on posts since the post automatically gets shared to his DMs and I have open DMs but I’ll do on this one
And I feel like I get more exposure on IG than twitter, have to start from 0 over there
thats valid
Final versions
Any recs on getting started with Photoshop man? Insane job with this
The way they matched this PERFECTLY
bloated ass trash artist and song to match a bloated ass trash movie