Die for It is trash tho. no need for that f***ing atrocious autotune and processing on Abel's falsetto
Die for It is trash tho. no need for that f***ing atrocious autotune and processing on Abel's falsetto
Og version was HEAT idk why they reworked it like this
Both fire. Except when he starts repeating two words and calls it a chorus
I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed
Better Believe is hard. and it's clear it's from the second half of 2020
wait how is that clear am i missing something
wait how is that clear am i missing something
leaker said it's from 2020 and the bar about dropping hits points to it being further into 2020.
I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed I'm unfazed
A lie a lie a lie a lie A lie a lie a lie a lie A lie a lie a lie a lie A lie a lie a lie a lie
A lie a lie a lie a lie A lie a lie a lie a lie A lie a lie a lie a lie A lie a lie a lie a lie
classic feel good song
A lie a lie a lie a lie A lie a lie a lie a lie A lie a lie a lie a lie A lie a lie a lie a lie
He got rad ones too
Alladem swallow Alladem swallow Alladem swallow I make Alladem swallow Alladem swallow Alladem swallow Alladem swallow I make Alladem swallow
Tempo Slow might be the best leak of his ever
These songs don’t go nowhere musically
Yeah after listening to them a few times they’re actually pretty weak. Lots of good moments but extremely stagnant