french butchered the f*** outta this song with the higher bpm in the 2nd chorus
it's old 2014 version so no, same vocal take from memento mori + later (better) instrumental + unheard verse + 2 short french verses
actually french verses might be new idk this song has a weird timeline
Abel parts and instrumental scream late 2013 / early 2014 tho
french butchered the f*** outta this song with the higher bpm in the 2nd chorus
Crine he really did
another one of me leaked in full with french montana
someone Post Malone
french butchered the f*** outta this song with the higher bpm in the 2nd chorus
Acquainted MV (snippet) has surfaced
so it DOES exist
Acquainted MV (snippet) has surfaced
"In Your Eyes" (Doja Cat Remix) Studio Session
"Selling. Comes with protools session 300+ Doja takes only has the stems from Abel not punch lines."
I think it’s just mumbled words to find a melody, I can’t actually hear any French words
first line sounds "cock up, so fly"
french indeed, like "excuse my french" haha
Acquainted MV (snippet) has surfaced
was it this?
cuz the reddit post got copyright claimed, but a comment said "waterfalls waterfalls waterfalls waterfalls"
PS. let this be another proof Abel's circle lurks ktt2. Why/how?
Hypothesis: the reddit post got (Removed by reddit in response to a copyright notice)
While this youtube link is up since January 8th.
Let's see if it gets deleted after being mentioned here lmao
first line sounds "cock up, so fly"
french indeed, like "excuse my french" haha
someone on youtube said "coco, sunflower" lmao