Todays leaks:
2 King Of The Fall demos
2 Over Now demos (from 2017 and supposedly produced by Doc)
I Heard You're Married demo (i think it's just different mix and open verse for Wayne)
Over now INNN
This kotf demo hittin
She know what to bring cause she know I might like it
a finished grail song has been blind GB’ought
surfacing tomorrow is my guess
song is dated before 2020
a finished grail song has been blind GB’ought
surfacing tomorrow is my guess
song is dated before 2020
a finished grail song has been blind GB’ought
surfacing tomorrow is my guess
song is dated before 2020
a finished grail song has been blind GB’ought
surfacing tomorrow is my guess
song is dated before 2020
Blinding Lights Remix
Hopefully better than the one we got
this batch of leaks is awesome
witches and panthers is godly
the kotf demos sound great
i wish he went more the route of the over now demo. sounds really good less pop