Jesus this is incredible
Aint s*** happening tmrw
true its happening TONIGHT
I do think something is happening soon honestly
Also are album threads not allowed to be shown in music anymore?
next 2-3 weeks are crucial. if there's no updates, then the era will probably continue in may
Also are album threads not allowed to be shown in music anymore?
If they are stickied in artists sxns they wont show in music
Literally fall starts,gonna be title King Of The Fall
it would make sense
I do think something is happening soon honestly
We’ve been saying this for weeks now
Memento mori tomorrow
would literally be the highlight of this f***ing horrendous week
We’ve been saying this for weeks now
Yeah I know but that IG post gives me hope, he reposted a bunch from that dudes page on his story
But he chose to post the one that says “The Dawn is here”
would literally be the highlight of this f***ing horrendous week
Whats horrendous about this week Childhood
would literally be the highlight of this f***ing horrendous week
You good fam?
Yeah I know but that IG post gives me hope, he reposted a bunch from that dudes page on his story
But he chose to post the one that says “The Dawn is here”
It's the "let's get this s***" post that makes me think somethings coming hopefully
It's the "let's get this s***" post that makes me think somethings coming hopefully
Side note that abhidyxo page is legitimately incredible stuff