Swan Songs heat
Hell yeah so glad u like it cant wait for u to hear the rest !!
I promise its seriously f***ing heat
im ngl what does trim mean? thank you! or sorry that you feel that way!
@Fries @FREE @Nessy @santi @vicesvotive @Sk8brdKee
Id love to know what yall think!
Will do!
On no glazing s***
Video is super great bro, like really fits the vibe of the song. Kind of chill but with a charged message
Also is so well done, like niggas out there with big budgets doing worse than someone indepent
Btw the song is amazing, yall cooking up sum great there. I wouldnt be suprirsed if i saw this song trending on twitter tomorrow because how good it is. Hope luck is by yall side because i see that yall putting the work already
Thank you so much bro!! So happy you watched we got soooo much more heat coming
bout bump this on the plane brodie🤝🏻🤝🏻
Lmk what u think!!! Excited to see what u think of this one in particulars
Safe travels
Oh let's get it!
PSA got me turnt asf
Swan Song so real
She that girl fr @op
Yessir!!! Appreciate you my guy!!
I cant wait for u to hear the rest her range is craaazy
I’m late
You guys did an amazing job on both of these songs and videos
My highlight is PSA very unique song, loved Gabe’s rapping and the energy of the song, Timbaland inspired in a good way, need more like these in the album for sure
Swan Song also great on a more serious subject matter I’m not used to from her, I like how resentful she is here
The Human production is untouched in both these songs, the drums and rhythm>>>
Appreciate you so much, I think you’re gonna love this tape its such a fun and easy listen.
The Human 2025/2026 run gonna be such a fun one!!
We need a Britney B**** moment for PSA like this song needs to be heard!
Def gonna push tf outta PSA, got another crazy single coming in a couple weeks too thats about on par with it
@astroshane could you please watch the two videos in op?
I know i know its an annoying task at first but thebabegabe is the future, do not be late!!
no bullshit, the videos are so pretty i love them
music is amazing too. she’s a great voice, the production and adlibs are so nice too
i will be checking out the tape
Since u said every song is a different style would like to hear Gabe on some house/dance s***
Theres 1 house song on the tape but not probably what ur thinking, but she will be dropping music all year and there will be a lot of fun and dance vibes to come a little later in the year. Its already cooked up and ready
@Bow_And_Arrow @grimes @NoGoodNamesLeft i gotta know what yall think of the new drop!
no bullshit, the videos are so pretty i love them
music is amazing too. she’s a great voice, the production and adlibs are so nice too
i will be checking out the tape
Thank you so much bro!!
Thank you for listening and I cant wait for you to hear the tape, it drops in a little over a month but we got another single coming and some other cool s*** beforehand
@Antidote would love to know what u think my dawg
Yoooo @Mitchell i just listened to both songs, and I’ll give you a quick rundown of how I feel about both
PSA is bouncy, I didn’t anticipate it having DNB type production, but it was a welcome surprise. Production on that track was really good too. I like the energy on it, the flow was good. Video was damn cool as well.
I can see why the second one is important to you, definitely is a meaningful song about saying goodbye to a version of yourself you once knew, but no longer in the present. Production reminded me of something Noname, Mick Jenkins and Saba would rap on. Really nice song overall.
The one thing when I do hear the tape in March is that I hope that there’s some singing on it because I really like her singing voice. I can tell she loves to rap and she’s good at it too, but I hope she incorporates some singing into the project as well, because the tease at the end of the track made me want more!
Lmk what u think!!! Excited to see what u think of this one in particulars
Safe travels
yo just landed, what's crazy is i had a playlist full of street music for the flight, hella Gucci mane and Chief keef, was ready to bump that but I listened to this first
been a minute since a song changed my whole vibe that quickly. Had me bumping introspective Pac deep cuts and s***
lol but she went off on this. really put herself out there and I always appreciate that from artists. flow was snappin and yall went dumb with the beat
this one reminded me of noname
great song
HONEYPOP is TheBabeGabe’s first solo project entirely produced by @Everest and myself
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5S3hqZWdpHwmCBZ3YWqJTp?si=ntGb-Iu6TVWx4TOzFQ7_qQ
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/honeypop/1797867515
Bandcamp: https://thebabegabe.bandcamp.com/album/honeypop
!https://youtu.be/w_vjpYHxQxM?si=0ZT98L0fDYW9l_vb!https://youtu.be/p5XV3LzrQhs?si=-hnj0Mvx554C9KnW!https://youtu.be/9WVPILiCQM8?si=ZWkEbupc9lehAWw0!https://youtu.be/wyRgzuHyZuE?si=G1vmKgDuRmx8ghrtNetflix and chillin with my shorty rn but ima blast these on the headphones as soon as we’re done