  • Nov 12, 2023

    Tried to a list but post 30 differences between songs get to close to really rank them.

    1. Days In The East
    2. Marvins Room
    3. Fire & Desire
    4. From Time
    5. Star67
    6. Pipe Down
    7. Hours In Silence
    8. Redemption
    9. Drew A Picasso
    10. Polar Opposites
    11. Overdrive
    12. Girls Want Girls
    13. TSU
    14. Peak
    15. Summer Games
    16. Race My Mind
    17. Now & Forever
    18. Don't Matter To Me
    19. Feel No Ways
    20. Connect
    21. Teenage Fever
    22. Signs
    23. Jungle
    24. U With Me
    25. Jorja Interlude
    26. A Keeper
    27. Jaded
    28. Passionfruit
    29. Tust Issues
    30. Own It

    This is as of now but could look different again in a few weeks. Drake's catalogue is just to good and songs that are not even in his to 50 get more plays than other artist's top 10 songs

    U with me is such a phenomenal track, wonder why we rarely hear about it