We all remember the constant disses to Trump Marshall gave in the Revival era, and how he was allegedly mad he never responded. I think I know why.
As we all know, the Secret Service allegedly questioned him for the lyrics to Framed (I have Melena Trump in my trunk), really I think he never tweeted about Eminem cause he’s secretly scared of what he might do to him. And before you ask about Kathy Griffith, he made a big fiasco over her holding his (alleged) head all bloody, so it’s obvious he’s not scared of any celebrity BUT Marshall
Even as a soldier this corny af
Why cant you just give him your autograph brother?
It’s because Em was not subtle with it at all. Trump or people around him could tell it was bait. Em should of said something in an interview.
Trump would have probably only been able to use "nobody listens to him anymore check the charts!" but would be wrong because Em is one of the most popular artists
We all remember the constant disses to Trump Marshall gave in the Revival era, and how he was allegedly mad he never responded. I think I know why.
As we all know, the Secret Service allegedly questioned him for the lyrics to Framed (I have Melena Trump in my trunk), really I think he never tweeted about Eminem cause he’s secretly scared of what he might do to him. And before you ask about Kathy Griffith, he made a big fiasco over her holding his (alleged) head all bloody, so it’s obvious he’s not scared of any celebrity BUT Marshall
maybe he had respect for marshall and was to devastated to reply
Trump would have probably only been able to use "nobody listens to him anymore check the charts!" but would be wrong because Em is one of the most popular artists
the thought of trump talking ab charts has me dead
the thought of trump talking ab charts has me dead
We already have right wingers on this forum talking about charts everyday
Trump would have probably only been able to use "nobody listens to him anymore check the charts!" but would be wrong because Em is one of the most popular artists
Would be funny if Trump wore a hoodie and did a "That's an awfully hot coffee pot should I drop it on Eminem?"
Corny but funny response
Trump knew Em was baiting him for publicity for his Trump Album and didn’t bite.