  • May 12, 2022

    If you’re 50+ you shouldn’t be allowed to make or approve/void laws. This isn’t your world anymore and you shouldn’t have the final say in it.

    If you’re under 30 you shouldn’t hold a high level of power because on average, most people won’t have fully developed and experienced life enough to know.

    The white elderly men that been running america into the ground clearly don’t have a grip on reality and we just let it happen because we were born into it. S*** is satire

  • May 12, 2022
    1 reply

    Facts the effect of the Boomer mentality on our politics shows. Boomers gave us Draconian law enforcement and supply side economics and they can’t let it go

  • OP
    May 12, 2022

    Facts the effect of the Boomer mentality on our politics shows. Boomers gave us Draconian law enforcement and supply side economics and they can’t let it go

    They run america like the whole america is Hamburg, PA or some town in iowa. How we get different shaped iPhones every 2 years but the same crusty white man making the laws affecting our day to day since before birth is insane to me

  • OP
    May 12, 2022

    The average Supreme Court Justice is APPOINTED at 53 years of age. They get the job almost at the age of retirement and then have supreme say in our laws. Our presidents all have white hair. Tech evolves exponentially and our governments devolve at the same speed

  • May 12, 2022
    1 reply

    50 is too young lol that would mean you were born in 1972

    if anything thats a fair amount of mature experience under your belt while still having enough years + young enough progeny, often, to still have a stake in the future

    60 is more reasonable cutoff

    there's a big difference between 50-55 and 75-80 (like biden and trump)

  • I would argue the opposite, there are certain life lessons you only learn if you've lived for a very long time. I think the minimum age should be increased from ~35 to 65 or 70

  • 50 way too young

    Retirement age is fine, 62. Stop with the 70+ yr olds.

    Once you can collect SS, you should be forced to retire from politics.

  • May 12, 2022
    1 reply

    The only people who shouldnt have a say are people who arent paying taxes
    Otherwise their funding the system so they should have a say

  • OP
    May 12, 2022
    2 replies

    50 is too young lol that would mean you were born in 1972

    if anything thats a fair amount of mature experience under your belt while still having enough years + young enough progeny, often, to still have a stake in the future

    60 is more reasonable cutoff

    there's a big difference between 50-55 and 75-80 (like biden and trump)

    You’re not wrong but the 50 year old would need to be of sound mind. I’m not too mad at SOME 50-59 year old politicians but like I said the average Supreme Court judge is appointed at 53 that means they don’t even settle into the position until they’re almost 60. We have people well past the age of retirement making the rules and it’s not working and in no world would it work

  • May 12, 2022

    We should be investing more in anti-aging technology so we can get 100+ year olds (the wisest amongst us) in positions of power

  • OP
    May 12, 2022

    The only people who shouldnt have a say are people who arent paying taxes
    Otherwise their funding the system so they should have a say

    Not saying they shouldn’t have a say but the elderly run the country. They have the majority and final say. We argue to death over laws for gay marriage weed and abortion? What are we doing lol.

  • May 12, 2022

    Will just result prettymuch the same s***. Will still be the dictatorship of the bourgeoise.

  • May 12, 2022

    The younger Republicans seem even more extreme than the older ones tho

  • Scratchin Mamba ⚒️
    May 12, 2022

    Won't solve anything lol

  • May 12, 2022

    Imagine putting this into practice
    Would be a s***show

  • bad idea

  • May 12, 2022
    1 reply


  • OP
    May 12, 2022


    Oh I wasn’t asking for your permission. Sorry if there was any confusion

  • May 13, 2022
    1 reply

    You’re not wrong but the 50 year old would need to be of sound mind. I’m not too mad at SOME 50-59 year old politicians but like I said the average Supreme Court judge is appointed at 53 that means they don’t even settle into the position until they’re almost 60. We have people well past the age of retirement making the rules and it’s not working and in no world would it work

    almost all 50 and even 59 year olds are of perfectly sound mind unless they have something wrong with them unrelated to age, lol, you're acting like it's an elderly age

    with that being said, yes, someone being on the supreme court until they are 80 is not desirable, term limits would be a good thing i think, maybe just 10-15 years a pop so you serve from around 45 to 60

  • The President should be no older than 50

  • OP
    May 13, 2022

    almost all 50 and even 59 year olds are of perfectly sound mind unless they have something wrong with them unrelated to age, lol, you're acting like it's an elderly age

    with that being said, yes, someone being on the supreme court until they are 80 is not desirable, term limits would be a good thing i think, maybe just 10-15 years a pop so you serve from around 45 to 60

    Not mad at this at all. And yes as far as the world is concerned a 59 year old is elderly. The laws affect young adults more than they affect anybody and I’m never gonna say a 24 year old should be a lawmaker that’s silly. But a 59 year old never experienced and never will experience todays world as a young adult and their opinion on todays world for young adults will more often than not be ignorant

  • May 15, 2022

    You’re not wrong but the 50 year old would need to be of sound mind. I’m not too mad at SOME 50-59 year old politicians but like I said the average Supreme Court judge is appointed at 53 that means they don’t even settle into the position until they’re almost 60. We have people well past the age of retirement making the rules and it’s not working and in no world would it work

    Age limits are undemocratic. People over 50 also make a large part of the population.