y’all just running through entire discographies in a week without even digesting what you’re hearing gunna finish the discography without being able to remember what a single one of those albums actually sound like
Gonna make a thread listening to every Viper album.
He releases 350 albums a year. Should be good to document.
Gonna make a thread listening to every Viper album.
He releases 350 albums a year. Should be good to document.
Gonna make a thread listening to every Viper album.
He releases 350 albums a year. Should be good to document.
Totally lost your grip on reality by the time you get through F*** Tha World It Ain't Real I Bend Tha Spoon With My Mind 2
Dead why are you hating on decent and actual music discussion
I just looked through this man’s threads and damn near everyone of them are about Lil B LMFAOOOO this man does not care quality music nor quality discussion in the slightest
I just looked through this man’s threads and damn near everyone of them are about Lil B LMFAOOOO this man does not care quality music nor quality discussion in the slightest
Very based
I just looked through this man’s threads and damn near everyone of them are about Lil B LMFAOOOO this man does not care quality music nor quality discussion in the slightest
Op does have some merit though but I wouldn’t hate on productive music discussion.
I’ve done that for artists as well and it’s nice but you definitely won’t get the full experience imo just in one runthru. Too much to digest
Never forget
Nah fam if i was you @op i’d delete my account and never hop back on here again. Straight ethered.
What if they listened to one album every week instead Would that make u happy?