Look at you timid as f***
And you holding me up
And I'm trying to be Nicki Minaj
Rich as a b**** in the drop
Rich as a b****, rich as my b**** on the side
Hoe I got more than you know, hoe I got
Look, watch, spill out your soul in the closet
Don't question your passion
The real Top Dawg
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does nayoen else gay funny like gay s***funny like d*** sucking funny does anyone heterosexual liek getg it does gay funny Does like really anone men liek men gay funny ? does gay ? funny gay homosex? Gay! HOMOSEX!!!!! haha !!!!!!!! lol does Gay ? funn sexx ? Gay homosexuau but the funny does gay funny sex? f
dude gay
its funny cause gay
@op i need to see your cock
did you pee today @op ?
statistically speaking
alot of yall succ dicc too.
Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeting this after any celebrity comes out
does nayoen else gay funny like gay s***funny like d*** sucking funny does anyone heterosexual liek getg it does gay funny Does like really anone men liek men gay funny ? does gay ? funny gay homosex? Gay! HOMOSEX!!!!! haha !!!!!!!! lol does Gay ? funn sexx ? Gay homosexuau but the funny does gay funny sex? f