Its crazy how they only do the chorus once so the whole song builds to sen city
S*** been in my head all day
This s*** magical, from just how happy go lucky they are in the vid, having such a good time and kinda giddy to be flipping this song, to the way the dude crushes the hook, and at the end of it really has to throw in a s*** ton of lines in only a couple of seconds to fit it all in
S*** been in my head all day
This s*** magical, from just how happy go lucky they are in the vid, having such a good time and kinda giddy to be flipping this song, to the way the dude crushes the hook, and at the end of it really has to throw in a s*** ton of lines in only a couple of seconds to fit it all in
dude legit me too lmao. I had to search the song on soundcloud to listen to it on my drive home tonight that's how in my head it was
When tracks were so hot niggas just did remixes and said anything that came to their mind >>>
We need that back lol
Dude in the red hat behind Jimmy cracks me up he's playing along with the vid but wondering what the f*** is going on and why he's there in a tiny ass bodega with 12 people shooting a video
What was the context of this
jim was pouring his heart out to funk flex about how cam abandoned him and didn't support him during most of his career
jim was pouring his heart out to funk flex about how cam abandoned him and didn't support him during most of his career
jim was pouring his heart out to funk flex about how cam abandoned him and didn't support him during most of his career
Meh Jim Jones shouldn't have popped up on bet shooting pool with 50 cent and g unit during the heat of their beef. He allowed 50 to break dipset all the way up with that stunt
Meh Jim Jones shouldn't have popped up on bet shooting pool with 50 cent and g unit during the heat of their beef. He allowed 50 to break dipset all the way up with that stunt
you're right, but cam and jimmy were already experiencing problems prior to that. cam have always treated him like a peon and was probably insecure about his hypeman overshadowing him
you're right, but cam and jimmy were already experiencing problems prior to that. cam have always treated him like a peon and was probably insecure about his hypeman overshadowing him
Yeah things got awkward when Ballin blew up for sure lol