  • Nov 27, 2019

    And hell must have froze over feels so cold walking around lately everyone so distant that a smile from a stranger becomes memorable.

    I don't easedrop but if I go out I just hear people loudly talking s*** about their friends or coworker this seems to be most popular form of conversation name calling and insults. Does this make people feel good to make this their default behavior? Help me understand.

    What happened? I don't believe it was always like this.

    If you went around recording people like this now would they behave like this? You can feel the difference I know this is annecdotal but still. The essence from this video is what I'm talking about don't have words for it.

  • proper 🔩
    Nov 27, 2019
  • Nov 27, 2019

    Nowadays you point a camera at someone like that you’ll get punched in the face within seconds