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  • coolguy12

    but what purpose would kanye even play? He's an outlier. Jay is actually working with the NFL and working his way up the system. If Kanye becomes president or some s*** I'll believe you

    Best I can come up with right now if I try to think of like “what purpose could ye serve the deep state” is that he would be able to put a cool, aestheticized, digestable sheen on anything. That’s something that people like Bill Gates struggle with, and Ye already wants to be on that level of autocracy. This is another reason why Elon is such a coveted person of interest, he makes things like consumer tank cars and mass produced flamethrowers “cool” and not disgusting.

    Kanye is one of the only guys that could say some s*** like “yall we NEED to go to war with China because their farmland is valuable to us” and a sizable amount of people would go “wait wait, hear him out - the man is a visionary”

  • 5150

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jul 3, 2021

    kris jong un will pay for this

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