get working on that s*** fam
Yeah I will today but I don't want to do this s***. I have to email my professor too, I wonder if he'll look different at me because I haven't started but my team members have yet to f***ing email me about anything! This s*** is hot ass.
i really wanna drop out too. im just trying to set something up that i can pursue for when i hopefully do
If it’s first year for computer science that final is prob easy as f***
Anyway you could just switch majors
I went from CS to IT. I love online classes
Good for you OP. Don't hesitate on that decision either or it'll wind up making you even more depressed later. College isn't for most people.
Do what feels best for you.
First two and a half years of college are fluff
You start getting into the interesting stuff after that. It's worth finishing your degree.
If it’s first year for computer science that final is prob easy as f***
Anyway you could just switch majors
I went from CS to IT. I love online classes
My major is Computer Science but there are like sub divisions to the major at my college, I'm partaking in Internet Marketing.
The final for one my courses includes creating a 8-10 page essay based on a marketing stragery for a local business or creating a new product, create a Facebook page for it, make a small website for it.
I wish it was easy, the only easy part of it is creating a website and making a facebook for the product.
Good for you OP. Don't hesitate on that decision either or it'll wind up making you even more depressed later. College isn't for most people.
Do what feels best for you.
Learning about different cultures or religions wont make me depressed :--( but I need something that will sure make me money. I make art such as 3D models, pixel art, edits and have experience in video production and video editorial.
Learning about different cultures or religions wont make me depressed :--( but I need something that will sure make me money. I make art such as 3D models, pixel art, edits and have experience in video production and video editorial.
So maybe don't quit college and transfer to an art/computer graphics school/degree?
My major is Computer Science but there are like sub divisions to the major at my college, I'm partaking in Internet Marketing.
The final for one my courses includes creating a 8-10 page essay based on a marketing stragery for a local business or creating a new product, create a Facebook page for it, make a small website for it.
I wish it was easy, the only easy part of it is creating a website and making a facebook for the product.
Damn back in community college I took a few business classes and did a similar report for marketing class. I don’t think I wrote 8-10 pages tho
Get writing
Online college?
What about p**** + partys and s***????
I would never
I have crippling anxiety, interacting with people at parties would make me so nervous I'd start to sweat.
I'm not trying to get p**** or d*** any time soon nor go to any parties if I don't know anybody lmfao.
So maybe don't quit college and transfer to an art/computer graphics school/degree?
I wish i could buddy, there arent any online classes for those who wish to get an art major.
You're lucky you came to this decision so soon, by the time I graduated all I thought was "damn, I shoulda dropped out of this s***". You can drop out and if you maybe regret it in the coming years, just re-apply. If you don't drop out and regret that, well tough s*** enjoy the debt. I'd go for it, but it's all up to you
Online college?
What about p**** + partys and s***????
I would never
get it for cheaper if you live at home tbh.
.> anxiety is too crippling to step on campus
Yeah im a b**** but im working on my social skills, it's getting better
honestly just because you're in an excellent major I would tell you to finish or take up an apprenticeship.
glad that you know what you want to do but put money first.
you can always go back to college tho so ...
Yeah im a b**** but im working on my social skills, it's getting better
workout everyday and change your sleep schedule.
at least 30 minutes of cardio. learn how to have simple convo skills, retail work is great for this.
So maybe don't quit college and transfer to an art/computer graphics school/degree?
workout everyday and change your sleep schedule.
at least 30 minutes of cardio. learn how to have simple convo skills, retail work is great for this.
I injured my knees from being on my knees for too long, a doctor told me to abstain from working out for a month My sleeping schedule is fine though.
I was in retail work, that s*** was ass but it did helped me with my anxiety. I got laid off due to the rona virus. I know how to talk to people and remain calm n s*** but my anxiety just causes me to sweat. I was going to have this fixed like in the early weeks of April with a procedure but Rona stopped my plans.