  • Grand uncle in Chicago supposed to get married but the fam wants to fly

    Im lowkey p**** about traveling and highkey p**** about flying, but it logically can’t be that bad a thing

  • plants 🌻
    Apr 12

    flying is nothin bro, go so that you can conquer the fear and then fly anywhere while we still can

  • plants 🌻
    Apr 12

    wym p**** abt traveling btw like elaborate pls

  • Don’t be a b****

  • Apr 13
    1 reply

    Don't take a xan like Drake just have a beer or something and read

  • Apr 13
    1 reply

    Flying isn't particularly fun but I find it way less annoying than driving long distances

  • Whatever you do, sit as far from the doors as you can.

  • If it does go down, it’s honestly one of the better ways to go out

  • Apr 13
    Rigbisa Lee

    Grand uncle in Chicago supposed to get married but the fam wants to fly

    Im lowkey p**** about traveling and highkey p**** about flying, but it logically can’t be that bad a thing

    I get you, have had a fear in the past. It’s p commonplace and people do a variety of things to cope. If you have any way to relax usually go for it. I just drink a lil. It’s mostly chill once you in the sky. Go for it.

  • Apr 13

    And Chicago is your first destination? It was nice knowing you op

  • Your first flight experience is always something. Just absorb that you are about to be on an airplane and fly, it's amazing. After that the reality starts to sink in as you learn that airport honestly sucks. The travel, the wait and dealing with potential delays. A busy airport really ducking sucks

  • I HATE flying. the only thing that helps is good headphones and downloaded music just make sure you download enough for the whole trip.

  • Apr 13
    1 reply

    Flying isn't particularly fun but I find it way less annoying than driving long distances

    trains are my fav way to travel

    sitting by a window seat

  • Apr 13
    1 reply

    Don't take a xan like Drake just have a beer or something and read

    flying is actually one of the only times i can vouch for xans tbh

    but @op should definitely raw dog it the first time just so they can see if it’s really that bad for them

  • I still get spooked when the plane first lifts off, but you get used to it.


    flying is actually one of the only times i can vouch for xans tbh

    but @op should definitely raw dog it the first time just so they can see if it’s really that bad for them

    Nah I seen too many f*** it up like they never took it before, so many clusterfuck vids on TikTok/YouTube

    If op has panic attacks that different but I'd vouch for beer or a little liquor first

  • Great advice throughout the thread

  • Apr 13

    trains are my fav way to travel

    sitting by a window seat

    Planning on taking a trip down the California coast on a train to San Diego this summer

  • Apr 13

    “whatever your fear is, there is your task.” - carl jung

  • Apr 13

    Not that hard to stop a plane from going down if worst comes to worst. You should be fine

  • Just make sure it’s not a boeing

  • Don’t do it, you will die

  • You’ll be fine don’t worry about it too much. Once you’re in the air you’ll be good