K Pop industry is mad sus
i feel bad for these stars. f*** the industry execs that force these kids into the spotlight and force them to starve and f*** all the crazy k pop fans who feed into this
niggas dying over this K-Pop s*** cuzz
i know this a serious thread but this post is funny i'm sorry
Wtf man
Bro at first I read this and thought this meant these k pop mfrs we’re on some 2001 a space odyssey s***
Bro at first I read this and thought this meant these k pop mfrs we’re on some 2001 a space odyssey s***
^^they say...
This why I refuse to believe that cyberbullying isn't real.
cyberbullying is very real
but the Tyler tweet is still facts
weird post
fr nigga correlating his condolences with how famous the nigga is or how much u give a damn lol just dont say s***
niggaz addicted to just replying
^^they say...
This why I refuse to believe that cyberbullying isn't real.
The internet is real life now, you cant just walk
away from it like you used to.
RIP but can't say I'll lose sleep over whoever this is
goldlink tier post
The internet is real life now, you cant just walk
away from it like you used to.
S*** back in middle school, if someone posted something on instagram, the entire grade would know about and clown you the next day.
S*** back in middle school, if someone posted something on instagram, the entire grade would know about and clown you the next day.
“Back in the day” “on instagram” “In middle school “
How old are you lmao
“Back in the day” “on instagram” “In middle school “
How old are you lmao
Arent you 30?
so do we assume yet that there may be something not quite okay with the relationship between kpop stans and the kpop artists?