Thanks for posting my video bro, it’s been a few years but I’m finally making some progress
I got a lot out of it personally
Planning on going back for another semester after I get LL surgery
real alphas dont need the surgery
Lmfao that dude with the red head
I just know they were on his ass the whole time for that.
But isn't this what the army is? And at least with the army you get benefits n s***. This s*** is just a lose lose
They should just pay Dale to train them.
! would probably learn more, have more fun, and be less depressed if they did this tbh.
Aww he embraced him like Simba
Just join the military if you want to do this this is literally copy and paste basic combat training
I got a lot out of it personally
Planning on going back for another semester after I get LL surgery
surely you're joking...
Mfs need boot camps to become men? LMFAOOOO
let them get scammed
It's just larping as Marines
Probably costs the same as those dudes dropping stacks on middle ages gear
ong if u want something that's remotely like this but without the casual and latent abuse, exploitative price tag, and faux macho /military bullshit, go to a NWTA ran by the ManKind Project
coz lets be real, young men kinda lost these days. sometimes got no idea what it means to live an accountable life, to be a leader of men, to actually provide for their family. how many of you men had anything that resembles a coming of age ritual, i know i aint really have s*** like that.
the filming of this s*** is abhorrent imo, and its clearly super corny. talk about a broken container. no security, no trust, no safety. just dudes getting wrung like washcloths for their coins lmaoooo
When the guy rung the bell they literally make you tap out in front of everyone with a planet fitness type alarm that tells everyone you just b****ed out
What are these dude qualifications besides having muscles
been seeing this pop off online and this s*** is absolutely insane you're essentially giving away money to be bullied and hosed down
2:00 - 2:10
How is this stupid s*** legal