I love noticing things like this but I was listening to Kent album from a few years ago and realized how similar the production is to that Clairo song. I looked to see if they had the same producers but The Internet produced the Kent song and Clairo produced her own song. Both great songs but I couldn’t help but notice the similarities.
Funny to imagine Clairo being a Kent Jamz Stan.
I love noticing things like this but I was listening to Kent album from a few years ago and realized how similar the production is to that Clairo song. I looked to see if they had the same producers but The Internet produced the Kent song and Clairo produced her own song. Both great songs but I couldn’t help but notice the similarities.
Funny to imagine Clairo being a Kent Jamz Stan.
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TsxAVFQkXQ8&pp=ygULanVuYSBjbGFpcm8%3D!https://youtu.be/omm7ZNf0_t8?si=QuE2xhEFFhU3aMpPJuna structure really inteeresring to me tbh
Man I was mixing Kent jamz with Kent jones
Lmaooooo I feel like most people do this with him
Lmaooooo I feel like most people do this with him
I grew up on that
She said sak pase
I said na boule
Didn’t help I came back from Haiti the week it came out