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  • May 9, 2021

    tweets are really the cheat code

    True that, any tweet thread is guaranteed at least 5+ pages.

  • May 9, 2021

    Its a joke, ffs not funny but a joke.

    sometimes, i f***ing loathe my generation but then again, its twitter so WHO GIVES A F***.

  • May 9, 2021
    1 reply

    pretty much just looks like 90% of that is just NY slang. no reason to cry about the whole world using our s*** now. being influential is a good look

    this is what language is supposed to do and it's expected with the internet

    I get picking up a word or two but have u seen the way some of these white girls talk after watching some nyc tik toks And then they just switch between that and their normal suburban voice

  • May 9, 2021

    everything aside the s*** just wasn’t funny lol

  • May 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm a gen z'er and this was funny asf tbh. Also none of these slangs belong to African American culture anymore. They're used by people all of races now. Just like mainstream Hip-Hop isn't "black people music" and is listened to by all races

    Get the f*** outta here with that. The terms mfs steal do belong to black people and rap will always be our genre. Just because it’s pop right now don’t mean we can’t claim it cause at the end of the day, it’s still OUR culture. This is why I wish rap didn’t become pop because now cacs and other outsiders take from us and wanna claim the s*** as their own and we ain’t finna have that happen when most of y’all are going to ditch rap once the new trend come along.

  • May 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Bro have you seen some of the white teens on tiktok?

    they literally lipsyncing to some of the most ridiculous s*** you've ever seen.

    I agree with you though, that s*** is corny for white people to do it and then make fun of it? lowkey some racist s***

    I be seeing them on twitter and I just cringe. They lack self awareness like a mf. Wish rap didn’t go pop cause this is the outcome

  • May 9, 2021
    2 replies

    Without black people America would be so dry and boring. Cause who else would mfs steal from? Our culture is what get the country moving but mfs never wanna give proper credit.

  • May 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I get picking up a word or two but have u seen the way some of these white girls talk after watching some nyc tik toks And then they just switch between that and their normal suburban voice

    yea sometimes they do way too much. tbh I think a lot of people use the words ironically at this point just to be annoying

  • May 9, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Without black people America would be so dry and boring. Cause who else would mfs steal from? Our culture is what get the country moving but mfs never wanna give proper credit.


    as an outsider, tbf tho you do get the credit 🤷‍♂️

  • May 9, 2021
    1 reply

    People online talking about this and saying that Gen Z teenage "slang" is just white people appropriating black terms... thoughts?

    White people stealing another thing?

    wow f*** you for making me click on this

  • May 9, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    I be seeing them on twitter and I just cringe. They lack self awareness like a mf. Wish rap didn’t go pop cause this is the outcome

    True that bro. It's flat out just disturbing how many of those "Malibu's most wanted" Kids exist nowadays. No joke.

    Swear some of these teens have NO self awareness whatsoever, and this s*** is gonna hurt their careers when they get older and they have posts on social media of them acting like this.

  • May 9, 2021

    wow f*** you for making me click on this

  • May 9, 2021
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Without black people America would be so dry and boring. Cause who else would mfs steal from? Our culture is what get the country moving but mfs never wanna give proper credit.

    What’s proper credit iyo

  • People talking about AAVE and how this skit is an act of erasure and all that but realistically...this skit is not even good enough to create that kinda discussion. Like it was an embarrassingly bad skit.

  • May 9, 2021
    1 reply

    SNL has never been funny

  • May 9, 2021

    yea sometimes they do way too much. tbh I think a lot of people use the words ironically at this point just to be annoying


    Some of them think its funny to talk like that its a joke to them
    Im like whats so funny

  • sonyatv 😽
    May 9, 2021

    The f*** is AAVE

  • May 9, 2021

    SNL has never been funny

    Yes it has

  • May 9, 2021
    2 replies

    Also I don't like a white person making a thread about this topic and then putting it on KTT. This is the very last place I wanna see discussing AAVE.

  • May 9, 2021

    they never been funny

    consistently corny

  • May 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Also I don't like a white person making a thread about this topic and then putting it on KTT. This is the very last place I wanna see discussing AAVE.

    I'm not "putting it on KTT", I wasn't even aware what AAVE meant until like 15 minutes ago.

    Relax. You didn't have to click on this thread man.

  • May 9, 2021

    are there really ppl out there that think this funny

  • May 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Except most of Gen Z's "comedy gold" is just self-deprecating absurdist humor. Not that funny either.

    All generations are lame bro, there's no such thing as one better than eachother.

  • May 9, 2021

    This just proves the stereotype that Gen Z kids are way too sensitive

    there's some truth here tho

    the way the current culture is headed... idk about it

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