I am 10000% not built for having a daughter in this day n age let alone 10 years down the line. I was chopping it up with my home girl last night and i came to teh realization that it is best that i do not procreate
honestly idgaf about having a son. He can turn out to be a disgrace and it wont cut THAT deep (plus i think i have a sound understanding of how to approach that parenting situation).
But my daughter turning to a thot man I'd literally off myself for being a failure. You can cope with the whole "its about balance, raise her in a good environment" but the internet has too much of a pull these days and most of it is bad and its only getting worse
i see some ppl throwing the whole "shes an individual and has the right to do what she wants and you should accept her etc." and i get that but am just not built like that and i know i cant go to sleep every night forcefully killing my conscious knowing my daughter is being tossed in the streets. what a fukin time to be alive
internet has made u think everyone is like the people on internet are
that is not true
well at least op admits to having a double standard so I don't have to put the work in pointing it out
internet has made u think everyone is like the people on internet are
that is not true
i agree but we just moving towards a convergence point where that might actually be the case. 10 years from now i dont know how s*** will be like
plus I lowkey dont have the balls to take the risk lol
Really sad mindset. You sound like you're 15
props to you for being that removed/mature/progressive whatever dafuk u wanna call it. i dont think imma ever reach that mindset tho
and well i explicitly stated that am winging the whole dilemma so u cant hate on me for knowing my limitations and avoiding them tbh tbh
I can almost guarantee unless you are some sort of pervert you will not care about your 20yo daughter's s***life when you are 45/50
Crazy but true.
Might not aswell not have kids in this climate
Its too risky to be having a daughter out here thottin
You have to teach your kids about life and the rights and wrongs.
Man I wished my parents had that talk about S***to me when I became a teenager, I would've being able to talk to them openly without fear or awkwardness.
if you're there for her you can 10000% prevent her from turning into a thot. the biggest hoes i know didnt have a father in their life
Man if u a good dad she'll turn out fine even if she enjoys sex, that's not a bad thing
stop trippin
I am 10000% not built for having a daughter in this day n age let alone 10 years down the line. I was chopping it up with my home girl last night and i came to teh realization that it is best that i do not procreate
honestly idgaf about having a son. He can turn out to be a disgrace and it wont cut THAT deep (plus i think i have a sound understanding of how to approach that parenting situation).
But my daughter turning to a thot man I'd literally off myself for being a failure. You can cope with the whole "its about balance, raise her in a good environment" but the internet has too much of a pull these days and most of it is bad and its only getting worse
i see some ppl throwing the whole "shes an individual and has the right to do what she wants and you should accept her etc." and i get that but am just not built like that and i know i cant go to sleep every night forcefully killing my conscious knowing my daughter is being tossed in the streets. what a fukin time to be alive
But you would be OK with your son being a hoe
Stop this hypocrisy, men do the same things yall hate about women, even worse at times
internet has made u think everyone is like the people on internet are
that is not true
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually f*** her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to f*** her tight p**** every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
But you would be OK with your son being a hoe
Stop this hypocrisy, men do the same things yall hate about women, even worse at times
thats lowkey a super watered-down cop out that doesnt acknowldge the psycho-evolutionary underpinnings of why a male (me) is nepotistic towards the female figures in his life in the context of thier behavior relative to thier male counterparts
1. a man's purpose from an evolutinoary stand-point is to spread his seed and procreate. A woman on the other hand is a nurterer per se. You can place as little significance on the validity of evolutionary behaviors but there is no psychological discpline that doesn't acknowledge them and how they affect conventional temperaments.
2. you inherently take on a role of guardianship towards women around you. this is not just social conditioning, So there is always that competitive, protective tendency towards a woman that you do not neccasrily feel experince towards a man, even if it was your own son, esp on issues such as promiscuity
3. lets be honest, there is a much higher marginal cost associated with female promiscuity than it is for males. The burden of pregnancy and the fact that a man can just disappear while some women may be burden for atleast 9 months puts a greater risk in itself.
when u take all of these into consideration it makes sense why the double standard has perenially existed. Am not saying we are animals and we should adhere to a dated evolutionary schema, but those feelings are there ppl just learn how to regulate and have agency over them. that where social conditioning comes into play. some ppl just have a harder time doing that and apparently am part of that group