I asked a coworker if I could kiss her on the cheek, she said yes, then reported me to HR
Either she weird or she was uncomfortable but I don’t know. It sounds weird
Agreeing to a date doesn’t mean they wanna f***. She could have been feeling you from previous conversations and was interested to get to know you better but asking to kiss someone on the cheek after having just gotten their number is a little weird and I think you lying about it to HR proves you know it was weird
Maybe reporting to HR was a bit much but idk how one feels in that situation
We were not on the clock
Damn well… how tf can she report you for some s*** off the clock??
Idk, ain’t never been in no sexual harassment situation so I don’t know the regulations
Tf you kissing girls on the cheek for?
Your breath fresh? Maybe she got a whiff and took offence
Like that guy that said he told a girl he’ll get her pregnant and she put a restraining order on him then he showed the paper to the camera and it said domestic violence
Nahh what got you was the kiss on the cheek Cmon bro
Number is fine especially if there’s a shared interest but anything physical hell nah
wtf dont get numbers at all
i dont care how fat her ass was she getting zero attention.
wtf does that even mean
you asked to kiss her lil cheeky cheek and actually did it! lmaaao im fline crine
ive slapped asses atomically hard and put hands in pants on the work floor brother
no hr brother
they loved it brother
This man officer
Like that guy that said he told a girl he’ll get her pregnant and she put a restraining order on him then he showed the paper to the camera and it said domestic violence
Deleted but
alt women are the purest form of the divine source.
Asking a coworker for a kiss AT WORK
That's f***ing hilarious
This sxn gets crazier by the day
talk about food we like and going on a date together for 5 minutes
hug eachother
look into her eyes and ask if I could kiss her on cheek
she says yes, i kiss her on cheek
stop hugging
wave goodbye
This a normal reaction and the fact she snitched off the clock s*** is funny as hell