Ye West does not have a perfect Hip Hop record
Nah Late Registration is perfect
Go2DaMoon is ass
That pause on Place
Cakademiks on Over
How is the pause on place a flaw
Nah Late Registration is perfect
Ye is pretty nice on LR,I just feel like Ye has never had a flawless rap performance on an album
Ye is pretty nice on LR,I just feel like Ye has never had a flawless rap performance on an album
Last verse on gone
How is the pause on place a flaw
S*** lasts like 12 seconds and kills any interest i had in the song
S*** serves no purpose
I know you guys hate obvious choices but honestly,The Blueprint is literally a flawless rap record.
Good pick
Last verse on gone
I’m talking about for the whole album tho. LR is a classic no matter what tho,so me arguing about his rap performance is futile
Furthermore OP the fact you went from an objectively factual thread such as this:
To this is insane
Furthermore OP the fact you went from an objectively factual thread such as this:
To this is insane
Youve been itt on my d*** for 30 minutes Go outside brodie
any b sides or loosies from this era?
We got it for cheap 2 came out a year before I think and it’s classic
We got it for cheap 2 came out a year before I think and it’s classic
I’ve heard em all
I’m talking like s*** that is lesser known / didn’t make the cut / leaks
there’s a presence on this album that doesn’t exist anywhere else imo
this record is such a huge part of my dna
Youve been itt on my d*** for 30 minutes Go outside brodie
Not even on your d***. I just think you need help fr
We Got It 4 Cheap Vol. 2 > Hell Hath No Fury
The way Push floats on this, just nothing like it
I think people like Lord Willin more as an album,and the fact that it’s sound is a rawer then HHNF. Lord Willin isn’t a better body of work then HHNF tho. When I really think about too,I think people who pick LW over HHNF are trying to say LW aged better
Edit:there was someone in here that said they don’t understand why people like LW more then HHNF. Thought I was quoting the comment and it just disappeared,oh well
falls off hard in the last 1/3
Thinking critiquing an album = bashing it is d***rider mentality