Autistic dude grabs a homeless man, kills him, cut his body into pieces, and keeps his head in his closet til his mom finds it and calls the police
The way he so coldly and sinisterly said “a human head and hands” is spine chilling.
It’s gotta be actually devastating to find a human head in the person who’s the closest in your hearts closest. I’ve been thinking about it and yeah I see why the mom feels this way. Personally I’d be getting the f*** out of there
This type of s*** is common in movies and songs but it’s gotta be absolutely traumatic actually happening to you
that channel is so amazing, it’s easily the best out of any of the other true crime channels on YouTube, he seriously sets the entire thing up like it’s own little show and reveals additional information about the suspect as the interrogation goes on to contextualize the behaviors it’s crazy
Autistic dude grabs a homeless man, kills him, cut his body into pieces, and keeps his head in his closet til his mom finds it and calls the police
The way he so coldly and sinisterly said “a human head and hands” is spine chilling.
It’s gotta be actually devastating to find a human head in the person who’s the closest in your hearts closest. I’ve been thinking about it and yeah I see why the mom feels this way. Personally I’d be getting the f*** out of there
ngl i got this exact video in my recommendation and i stayed away from it cause of the thumbnail
i feel like i was watching too much of this type of s*** last year, s*** gets really morbid and grating after awhile hearing what these crazy motherfuckers do to each other
you’ve heard of this one? i had to take a whole ass break from watching this stuff after sitting through this s***
the dude murdered his two children, wife and he lived in the house with the bodies for A MONTH, like NOTHING HAPPENED
he got caught on camera going to a gas station buying snacks and s***
made me so sick man
ngl i got this exact video in my recommendation and i stayed away from it cause of the thumbnail
i feel like i was watching too much of this type of s*** last year, s*** gets really morbid and grating after awhile hearing what these crazy motherfuckers do to each other
I’m not really watching these for the morbid factor but I love seeing the guys being interrogated thinking they’re gonna get away and talk themselves out of it but then they slowly realize they’re truly f***ed. But I’m thinking about the details and this is the only time the morbid factor was actually interesting to me cause I’m thinking “ok how would I react if I seen a f***ing severed head in my closet”. I might’ve actually thrown up
im gonna watch this but i will always be taken back when i hear of someone taking someone’s head. its such an angry heinous thing to do especially if you know what has to be done for it to work.
im gonna watch this but i will always be taken back when i hear of someone taking someone’s head. its such an angry heinous thing to do especially if you know what has to be done for it to work.
Yeah you have to literally cut through bone. It’s not an easy task. And the mess sounds terrible cause gallons of blood will be leaking everywhere.
ngl i got this exact video in my recommendation and i stayed away from it cause of the thumbnail
i feel like i was watching too much of this type of s*** last year, s*** gets really morbid and grating after awhile hearing what these crazy motherfuckers do to each other
just watched a video about a case i tried to forget for months and im back to thinking about it constantly. i have no idea how people make these videos.
I’m not really watching these for the morbid factor but I love seeing the guys being interrogated thinking they’re gonna get away and talk themselves out of it but then they slowly realize they’re truly f***ed. But I’m thinking about the details and this is the only time the morbid factor was actually interesting to me cause I’m thinking “ok how would I react if I seen a f***ing severed head in my closet”. I might’ve actually thrown up
yeah i have a small morbid interest in this sort of stuff, i cant stomach gore but cases like these i just become really curious about what happened and how the suspect got like this blah blah etc. + the interrogations paired with the psychological a***ysis is too interesting to not watch either
Seriously a severed head is absolutely insane. And he just said it like Walter White telling Hank he had half a million dollars in cash
I’m ngl one of my biggest fears is getting decapitated by like a helicopter or something. Like what now? You can use your last 5 seconds to realize what happened and possibly see your own body topple over
And he thought he was gonna get 20 years
This one is crazy. The lil red head was on here talking about "Thats like 5 years im gonna be 20 when I get out"
This one is crazy. The lil red head was on here talking about "Thats like 5 years im gonna be 20 when I get out"
I love this one. I’ve realized I’m highkey a sadist cause I love seeing their reactions when they realize they’ve been caught. Like I’m literally laughing. Sucks one of them is out tho
This one is crazy. The lil red head was on here talking about "Thats like 5 years im gonna be 20 when I get out"
yeah this one was so crazy
one of them was like "you're going to juvenile, im going to the actual prison the big leagues" like nigga u were complicit in a murder f*** is u talking about
yeah this one was so crazy
one of them was like "you're going to juvenile, im going to the actual prison the big leagues" like nigga u were complicit in a murder f*** is u talking about
Funny thing is she’s free now while they’re in the big leagues now
I love this one. I’ve realized I’m highkey a sadist cause I love seeing their reactions when they realize they’ve been caught. Like I’m literally laughing. Sucks one of them is out tho
Its just crazy to see them think they can out smart the detectives.
Its just crazy to see them think they can out smart the detectives.
Almost all these dudes think they can. Their egos get in the way when the best way to handle this is to get a lawyer and shut up.
bad time to say this here but a true crime thread would be dope
I’m surprised there hasn’t been one yet
It’s scary how the signs were there but everyone just took it as a joke, a lot of people here say similar wild s*** like that too